A silverstripe module to integrate Silverstripe with Facebook
This module is to allow integration between Facebook and Silverstripe. Its based (and ported from) the sstwitter module., (*1)
$FacebookConnectURL (FacebookApp::connect_url()) This displays a link where a logged in user will be taken through the Facebook authentication process to connect their Facebook account., (*2)
$FacebookDisconnectURL (FacebookApp::disconnect_url()) This will disassociate the Facebook account from the Member., (*3)
$FacebookLoginURL (FacebookApp::login_url()) This will return a url whereby the user can login to their Silverstripe account through Facebook. It will sign the user up if a Facebook account connect be found and Signup is enabled., (*4)
<a href="$FacebookConnectURL">Connect</a><br /> <a href="$FacebookDisconnectURL">Disconnect</a><br /> <% if FacebookLoginURL %> <a href="$FacebookLoginURL">Login</a> <% else %> Facebook Login is disabled. <% end_if %>
Silverstripe Facebook allows you to use the full power of Facebook's PHP SDK. You can access this by referencing FacebookApp->getFacebook()., (*5)