A small module for detecting the browser name, version, operating system and device type through the
browser user agent and exposing methods for controllers., (*1)
The module automatically extends all Controllers to have two methods:, (*2)
Both returning a Browser class which wraps the browser name, version, operating system and device type., (*3)
Browser Name
The browser name is crude but will return one of the following:, (*4)
- ie
- firefox
- chrome
- safari
- netscape
- opera
- konqueror
- unknown
Browser Version
The browser version will return a string value in the format of "X.X", just the major and minor version numbers
if present., (*5)
Operating System
The operating system will return one of the following values:, (*6)
- linux
- macintosh
- windows
- ios
- android
- unknown
Device detects whether the browser is either a handheld or a screen device (mobile/tablet or desktop/laptop) and
will return the following values:, (*7)
Detects the browser rendering engine and will return the following values:, (*8)
- gecko
- webkit
- trident
- presto
When the module is included in your SilverStripe directory structure, the module, through extension, will expose
a browser attribute for use in templates:, (*9)
<html class="$Browser">
Will be evaluated to something like:, (*10)
<html class="macintosh firefox firefox22 screen gecko">