9999999-devAdds lazysizes in the SilverStripe CMS
The Requires
by lekoala
module cms silverstripe lazysizes
Adds lazysizes in the SilverStripe CMS
Integrate and to Silverstripe., (*1)
Code heavily inspired by, (*2)
All-in-one solution for: - Lazy loading images - Responsive images - Placeholder images (using, (*3)
Respimages is only loaded if the browser does not support native syntax., (*4)
This modules has already pre built plugins into a consolidated js file., (*5)
Plugins available by default are:, (*6)
Lasysizes: - unveilhooks - print - bgset - include, (*7)
Respimages: - oldie - intrinsic - mutation, (*8)
You can also define your own path to the libraries by adjusting the following path, (*9)
LazySizesImageExtension: js_path: 'lazysizes/javascript'
If you simply want to lazy load your image, you can use any of three default methods which specify no additional sizes., (*10)
Example:, (*11)
$Image.Lazy(720x250) $Image.LazyCrop(720x250) $Image.LazyCropFocus(720x250)
You can define your own responsive sets. You can see the bundled configuration for the ResponsiveDefault set which set 4 breakpoints. You can define your own sets, change sizes, method and default size to be used., (*12)
All sets use lazysizes data-sizes="auto" by default, meaning that the width of the parent is used to determine which size needs to be loaded., (*13)
Retina is also supported., (*14)
Config example:, (*15)
LazySizesImageExtension: ResponsiveDefault: sizes: [320x213 320w,640x426 640w,960x639 960w,1280x852 1280w] ResponsiveDefaultSquare: sizes: [320x320 320w,640x640 640w,960x960 960w,1280x1280 1280w] ResponsiveDefaultRetina: sizes: [400x300 1x, 800x600 2x]
Usage example in template:, (*16)
The controller extension provides a helper method to easily create placeholders using PlaceholdIt. You can define a base size and a src set., (*17)
Example:, (*18)
Sometimes, you just need to output a list of srcset paths (for instance, to define a bgset). The last element of the set is never resized (always using the original image at maximum size). You can prevent this from happening by setting the second argument to false., (*19)
Example:, (*20)
<body id="$ClassName" class="typography lazyload" data-bgset="$SiteConfig.RandomBackgroundImage.SrcSet('480,800')">
Tested with 3.1, (*21)
composer require lekoala/silverstripe-lazysizes, (*22)
LeKoala -, (*23)
Adds lazysizes in the SilverStripe CMS
module cms silverstripe lazysizes