SilverStripe Protected Area Page, (*1)
protects all pages that are children of a ProtectedAreaPage, (*2)
Uses independant user management system from SilverStripe Member, (*3)
Users must login before they can access the content, (*4)
Users are assigned to groups, groups have access to the pages specified, (*5)
admin_can_set_password : true, (*6)
If true, admins can set the password for users
$admin_can_set_password bool [default: false], (*7)
Allow users to change their password
$user_can_update_password bool [default: true], (*8)
Auto generate password for new users
$auto_generate_password bool [default: true], (*9)
Minimum required password length
$min_password_length int [default: 1], (*10)
Just a random unique string that is used in teh password salt
$secure_salt string, (*11)
Cookie name used for user session
$cookie_name string [default: '_ppu'], (*12)
Cookie lifetime
$cookie_lifetime int [default: 1], (*13)