Silverstripe Lesscompiler Module
A module that compiles defined less files on execution and exportes them
to a defined CSS file., (*1)
Currently this is a proof of concept and has lots of possible options
for expansion., (*2)
This module uses the "less.php"
module to compile less files. If not installing via composer you will
need this installed to your path., (*3)
Installation via Composer
composer require i-lateral/silverstripe-lesscompiler 0.*
This module checks for updates to defined less files before controller
initilisaton. If there are changes then new CSS is compiled and saved
to the defined output path., (*4)
This process is only run on dev (as to not detrimentally effect
performance on live sites) and all cache files are stored in the default
Silverstripe temp directory., (*5)
Basic usage
Start off by setting the file_mappings config variable on
LessCompilerConfig. This should be a list of less files to convert with
their equivilent export file, eg:, (*6)
config.yml, (*7)
"styles.less": "styles.css"
"typography.less": "typography.css"
_config.php, (*8)
LessCompilerConfig::config()->file_mappings = array(
"styles.less" => "styles.css",
"typography.less" => "typography.css"
If you do not include a path to the less/css files then the module assumes
that you are using the default theme directory and using folders named
"less" and "css" respectively., (*9)
Custom file paths
You can define custom less and css file paths but using the following:, (*10)
"themes/themename/less/styles.less": "themes/themename/css/styles.css"
"themes/themename/less/typography.less": "themes/themename/css/typography.css", (*11)
_config.php, (*12)
LessCompilerConfig::config()->file_mappings = array(
"themes/themename/less/styles.less" => "themes/themename/css/styles.css",
"themes/themename/less/typography.less" => "themes/themename/css/typography.css"
Compressing output
By default all output is compressed, this can be disabled using the
"compress" config variable, EG:, (*13)
config.yml, (*14)
compress: false
_config.php, (*15)
LessCompilerConfig::config()->compress = false;
Relative image URLS
The compiler attempts converts all relative image URLs to be prefixed
prefixed with ../ (this assumes that the output css will be in a seperate
folder to the images, but with a common root). This can be altered using
the "root_path" config variable, (*16)
config.yml, (*17)
root_path: "../../imports"
_config.php, (*18)
LessCompilerConfig::config()->root_path = "../../imports";
Before and After Compile extensions
If you need to perform custom functions just before or after Less Compiler runs
you can do this using the onBeforeLessCompiler
and onAfterLessCompiler
extension calls., (*19)
NOTE These calls are added to controller, so rather than adding an extension
to LessCompiler itself, you only need to add your custom code to an extension to
Controller. EG:, (*20)
app/code/extensions/AppControllerExtension.php, (*21)
class AppControllerExtension extends Extension
public function onBeforeLessCompiler()
// pre compiler code goes here
public function onAfterLessCompiler()
// post compiler code goes here
app/_config/config.yml, (*22)
Name: app
After: 'framework/*','cms/*'
# YAML configuration for SilverStripe
# See
# Caution: Indentation through two spaces, not tabs
theme: 'simple'
# Extensions
- AppControllerExtension