3.0.9999999.9999999-dev http://github.com/i-lateral/silverstripe-commerceSilverstripe ecommerce module allowing for custom product catalog that can be linked to pages in the CMS, as well as shopping cart and payment integration.
The Requires
- silverstripe/framework >=3.1
- silverstripe/cms >=3.1
- i-lateral/silverstripe-sessionmessenger 1.*
- unclecheese/dashboard 1.1.*
- colymba/gridfield-bulk-editing-tools ~2.1
- i-lateral/silverstripe-users 1.*
- i-lateral/silverstripe-catalogue 3.*
- i-lateral/silverstripe-orders 3.*
- symbiote/silverstripe-gridfieldextensions ~2.0
- bummzack/sortablefile ~1.0
by i-lateral
payment silverstripe cart shopping commerce
dev-omnipay http://github.com/i-lateral/silverstripe-commerceSilverstripe ecommerce module allowing for custom product catalog that can be linked to pages in the CMS, as well as shopping cart and payment integration.
The Requires
- silverstripe/framework >=3.1
- silverstripe/cms >=3.1
- i-lateral/silverstripe-catalogue *
- i-lateral/silverstripe-checkout *
- i-lateral/silverstripe-orders *
- i-lateral/silverstripe-sessionmessenger 1.*
- unclecheese/dashboard 1.1.*
- silverstripe-australia/gridfieldextensions 1.*
- colymba/gridfield-bulk-editing-tools ~2.1
- bummzack/sortablefile 1.*
- i-lateral/silverstripe-users 1.*
by i-lateral
payment silverstripe cart shopping commerce
2.0.9999999.9999999-dev http://github.com/i-lateral/silverstripe-commerceSilverstripe ecommerce module allowing for custom product catalog that can be linked to pages in the CMS, as well as shopping cart and payment integration.
The Requires
- silverstripe/framework >=3.1
- i-lateral/silverstripe-catalogue *
- i-lateral/silverstripe-checkout *
- i-lateral/silverstripe-orders *
- colymba/gridfield-bulk-editing-tools ~2.1
- i-lateral/silverstripe-sessionmessenger 1.*
- silverstripe-australia/gridfieldextensions 1.*
- bummzack/sortablefile 1.*
- silverstripe/cms >=3.1
- unclecheese/dashboard 1.1.*
- i-lateral/silverstripe-users 1.*
by i-lateral
payment silverstripe cart shopping commerce
9999999-dev http://github.com/i-lateral/silverstripe-commerceSilverstripe ecommerce module allowing for custom product catalog that can be linked to pages in the CMS, as well as shopping cart and payment integration.
The Requires
- silverstripe/framework >=3.1
- ajshort/silverstripe-gridfieldextensions dev-master
- colymba/gridfield-bulk-editing-tools dev-master
- bummzack/sortablefile dev-master
- i-lateral/silverstripe-sessionmessenger dev-master
payment silverstripe cart shopping commerce
1.0.9999999.9999999-dev http://github.com/i-lateral/silverstripe-commerceSilverstripe ecommerce module allowing for custom product catalog that can be linked to pages in the CMS, as well as shopping cart and payment integration.
The Requires
- silverstripe/framework >=3.1
- i-lateral/silverstripe-sessionmessenger dev-master
- ajshort/silverstripe-gridfieldextensions dev-master
- colymba/gridfield-bulk-editing-tools dev-master
- bummzack/sortablefile dev-master
payment silverstripe cart shopping commerce
dev-discountcodes http://github.com/i-lateral/silverstripe-commerceSilverstripe ecommerce module allowing for custom product catalog that can be linked to pages in the CMS, as well as shopping cart and payment integration.
The Requires
- silverstripe/framework >=3.1
- i-lateral/silverstripe-sessionmessenger dev-master
- ajshort/silverstripe-gridfieldextensions dev-master
- colymba/gridfield-bulk-editing-tools dev-master
- bummzack/sortablefile dev-master
payment silverstripe cart shopping commerce
dev-customaddresses http://github.com/i-lateral/silverstripe-commerceSilverstripe ecommerce module allowing for custom product catalog that can be linked to pages in the CMS, as well as shopping cart and payment integration.
The Requires
- silverstripe/framework >=3.1
- i-lateral/silverstripe-sessionmessenger dev-master
- ajshort/silverstripe-gridfieldextensions dev-master
- colymba/gridfield-bulk-editing-tools dev-master
- bummzack/sortablefile dev-master
payment silverstripe cart shopping commerce
dev-postage-v2 http://github.com/i-lateral/silverstripe-commerceSilverstripe ecommerce module allowing for custom product catalog that can be linked to pages in the CMS, as well as shopping cart and payment integration.
The Requires
- silverstripe/framework >=3.1
- i-lateral/silverstripe-sessionmessenger dev-master
- ajshort/silverstripe-gridfieldextensions dev-master
- colymba/gridfield-bulk-editing-tools dev-master
- bummzack/sortablefile dev-master
payment silverstripe cart shopping commerce