Invisible Spam Protection
Marijn Kampf (Nickname: marijnkampf)
, (*1), (*2)
Sponsored by Exadium Web Development, (*3)
Very simple anti spam protection based on principle that automated spammers enter bogus information in all form fields., (*4)
Field is added to form that is hidden using CSS hiding it from human users., (*5)
Form is only allowed to be submitted if field is empty., (*6)
Includes an EditableInvisibleSpamField to integrate with the UserForms module., (*7)
- Spam Protection
- SilverStripe 3.#
Install Spam Protection Module
The Spam Protection Module ( provides the basic interface for managing the spam protection.
If your are not using composer to manage your dependencies , you have to install this module manually., (*8)
Setting up InvisibleSpamProtection
With composer (recomended)
Add this to your composer.json:, (*9)
"require": {
"exadium/silverstripe-invisible-spam-protection": "dev-master"
or execute the following command, (*10)
composer require "exadium/silverstripe-invisible-spam-protection"
, (*11)
to install the module. If you have set your minimum-stability to stable, you may need to install the spam-protection-module explicitly:, (*12)
composer require "silverstripe/spamprotection": "1.0.x-dev"
without composer (traditional way)
Download the module and extract it, into a folder which should be named InvisibleSpamProtection., (*13)
Enable the Module
Yml configuration add to your config.yml file or create spamprotection.yml with the following:, (*14)
name: spamprotection
default_spam_protector: InvisibleSpamProtector
Or enable anti spam in mysite/_config.php by adding line, (*15)