9999999-devA simple, non-bloated, google maps SilverStripe widget.
The Requires
google map
A simple, non-bloated, google maps SilverStripe widget.
A google map widget for SilverStripe. This widget has intentially been made simple, leaving out any bloat., (*1)
CMS options include:, (*2)
You can customise the map via javascript, by accessing stored references to each map, found in the global variable GoogleMapWidget.maps
., (*3)
For example, to style all maps grey, pan left 200px, and add a custom marker:, (*4)
(function($) { $(document).ready(function() { if(typeof GoogleMapWidget != 'undefined'){ //if widget is present var style = [ { "stylers": [ { "saturation": -100} ] } ]; var customMapType = new google.maps.StyledMapType(style); var map; for (var i in GoogleMapWidget.maps) { map = GoogleMapWidget.maps[i] map.mapTypes.set("STYLED_MAP", customMapType); map.setOptions({ mapTypeId: "STYLED_MAP" }); map.panBy(200,0); map.marker.setIcon("mysite/images/map_marker.png"); }; } }); })(jQuery);
Create a custom map styles here:, (*5)
A simple, non-bloated, google maps SilverStripe widget.
google map