dev-8.x-2.xInstallation profile template for Drupal 8 sites built with the WxT distribution.
The Requires
- composer/installers ^1.2
- cweagans/composer-patches ^1.6.0
- drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold ^2.0.0
- harvesthq/chosen 1.6.1
- drupalwxt/wxt 2.1.0
- drupal/mailgun ^1.0
- drupal/smtp ^1.0
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ^3.0
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- composer/composer ^1.4
- drupal/coder ~8.2.0
- drupal/console 1.0.1
- drupal/devel ^1.0
- drupal/drupal-extension ~3.3.0
- drush/drush ^9.0
- grasmash/yaml-cli ^1.0
- jakoch/phantomjs-installer 1.9.8
- jcalderonzumba/gastonjs ~1.0.2
- jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver ~0.3.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ~1.2
- phing/phing ^2.14
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.8
- se/selenium-server-standalone ^2.53
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 2.*
- symfony/css-selector ~2.8|~3.0
dev-8.x-2.x-challenge_page_aliasInstallation profile template for Drupal 8 sites built with the WxT distribution.
The Requires
- composer/installers ^1.2
- cweagans/composer-patches ^1.6.0
- drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold ^2.0.0
- drupalwxt/wxt 2.1.0
- harvesthq/chosen 1.6.1
- drupal/mailgun ^1.0
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ^3.0
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- composer/composer ^1.4
- drupal/coder ~8.2.0
- drupal/console 1.0.1
- drupal/devel ^1.0
- drupal/drupal-extension ~3.3.0
- drush/drush ^9.0
- grasmash/yaml-cli ^1.0
- jakoch/phantomjs-installer 1.9.8
- jcalderonzumba/gastonjs ~1.0.2
- jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver ~0.3.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ~1.2
- phing/phing ^2.14
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.8
- se/selenium-server-standalone ^2.53
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 2.*
- symfony/css-selector ~2.8|~3.0
dev-8.x-2.x-bugfixesInstallation profile template for Drupal 8 sites built with the WxT distribution.
The Requires
- composer/installers ^1.2
- cweagans/composer-patches ^1.6.0
- drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold ^2.0.0
- drupalwxt/wxt 2.1.0
- harvesthq/chosen 1.6.1
- drupal/mailgun ^1.0
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ^3.0
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- composer/composer ^1.4
- drupal/coder ~8.2.0
- drupal/console 1.0.1
- drupal/devel ^1.0
- drupal/drupal-extension ~3.3.0
- drush/drush ^9.0
- grasmash/yaml-cli ^1.0
- jakoch/phantomjs-installer 1.9.8
- jcalderonzumba/gastonjs ~1.0.2
- jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver ~0.3.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ~1.2
- phing/phing ^2.14
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.8
- se/selenium-server-standalone ^2.53
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 2.*
- symfony/css-selector ~2.8|~3.0
dev-8.x-2.x-submissionInstallation profile template for Drupal 8 sites built with the WxT distribution.
The Requires
- composer/installers ^1.2
- cweagans/composer-patches ^1.6.0
- drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold ^2.0.0
- drupalwxt/wxt 2.1.0
- harvesthq/chosen 1.6.1
- drupal/mailgun ^1.0
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ^3.0
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- composer/composer ^1.4
- drupal/coder ~8.2.0
- drupal/console 1.0.1
- drupal/devel ^1.0
- drupal/drupal-extension ~3.3.0
- drush/drush ^9.0
- grasmash/yaml-cli ^1.0
- jakoch/phantomjs-installer 1.9.8
- jcalderonzumba/gastonjs ~1.0.2
- jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver ~0.3.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ~1.2
- phing/phing ^2.14
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.8
- se/selenium-server-standalone ^2.53
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 2.*
- symfony/css-selector ~2.8|~3.0
dev-8.x-2.x-devInstallation profile template for Drupal 8 sites built with the WxT distribution.
The Requires
- composer/installers ^1.2
- cweagans/composer-patches ^1.6.0
- drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold ^2.0.0
- harvesthq/chosen 1.6.1
- drupalwxt/wxt 2.1.0
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ^3.0
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- composer/composer ^1.4
- drupal/coder ~8.2.0
- drupal/console 1.0.1
- drupal/devel ^1.0
- drupal/drupal-extension ~3.3.0
- drush/drush ^9.0
- grasmash/yaml-cli ^1.0
- jakoch/phantomjs-installer 1.9.8
- jcalderonzumba/gastonjs ~1.0.2
- jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver ~0.3.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ~1.2
- phing/phing ^2.14
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.8
- se/selenium-server-standalone ^2.53
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 2.*
- symfony/css-selector ~2.8|~3.0
dev-pre-2.0.0-upgradeInstallation profile template for Drupal 8 sites built with the WxT distribution.
The Requires
- composer/installers ^1.2
- cweagans/composer-patches ^1.6.0
- drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold ^2.0.0
- harvesthq/chosen 1.6.1
- drupalwxt/wxt dev-pre-2.0.0-upgrade
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ^3.0
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- composer/composer ^1.4
- drupal/coder ~8.2.0
- drupal/console 1.0.1
- drupal/devel ^1.0
- drupal/drupal-extension ~3.3.0
- drush/drush ^9.0
- grasmash/yaml-cli ^1.0
- jakoch/phantomjs-installer 1.9.8
- jcalderonzumba/gastonjs ~1.0.2
- jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver ~0.3.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ~1.2
- phing/phing ^2.14
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.8
- se/selenium-server-standalone ^2.53
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 2.*
- symfony/css-selector ~2.8|~3.0
dev-8.x-2.x-update-featuresInstallation profile template for Drupal 8 sites built with the WxT distribution.
The Requires
- composer/installers ^1.2
- cweagans/composer-patches ^1.6.0
- drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold ^2.0.0
- drupalwxt/wxt 2.0.0-rc10
- harvesthq/chosen 1.6.1
- drupal/double_field ^3.0
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ^3.0
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- composer/composer ^1.4
- drupal/coder ~8.2.0
- drupal/console 1.0.1
- drupal/devel ^1.0
- drupal/drupal-extension ~3.3.0
- drush/drush ~8.0|^9.0.0-beta7
- grasmash/yaml-cli ^1.0
- jakoch/phantomjs-installer 1.9.8
- jcalderonzumba/gastonjs ~1.0.2
- jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver ~0.3.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ~1.2
- phing/phing ^2.14
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.8
- se/selenium-server-standalone ^2.53
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 2.*
- symfony/css-selector ~2.8|~3.0
dev-8.x-2.x-challenge_submission_moduleInstallation profile template for Drupal 8 sites built with the WxT distribution.
The Requires
- composer/installers ^1.2
- cweagans/composer-patches ^1.6.0
- drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold ^2.0.0
- drupalwxt/wxt 2.0.0-beta4
- harvesthq/chosen 1.6.1
- drupal/double_field ^3.0
The Development Requires
- behat/behat ^3.0
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- composer/composer ^1.4
- drupal/coder ~8.2.0
- drupal/console ^1.0
- drupal/devel ^1.0
- drupal/drupal-extension ~3.2.0
- drush/drush 8.1.12
- grasmash/yaml-cli ^1.0
- jakoch/phantomjs-installer 1.9.8
- jcalderonzumba/gastonjs ~1.0.2
- jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver ~0.3.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ~1.2
- phing/phing ^2.14
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.8
- se/selenium-server-standalone ^2.53
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 2.*
- symfony/css-selector ~2.8
dev-new_design_updatesInstallation profile template for Drupal 8 sites built with the WxT distribution.
The Requires
- composer/installers ^1.2
- cweagans/composer-patches ^1.6.0
- drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold ^2.0.0
- drupalwxt/wxt 2.0.0-beta4
- harvesthq/chosen 1.6.1
- drupal/double_field ^3.0
The Development Requires
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- jcalderonzumba/gastonjs ~1.0.2
- jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver ~0.3.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ~1.2
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.8
- symfony/css-selector ~2.8
- drush/drush 8.1.12
- drupal/drupal-extension ~3.2.0
- behat/behat ^3.0
- drupal/coder ~8.2.0
- phing/phing ^2.14
- drupal/devel ^1.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 2.*
- se/selenium-server-standalone ^2.53
- drupal/console ^1.0
- jakoch/phantomjs-installer 1.9.8
- composer/composer ^1.4
- grasmash/yaml-cli ^1.0
dev-theme-install-updatesInstallation profile template for Drupal 8 sites built with the WxT distribution.
The Requires
- composer/installers ^1.2
- cweagans/composer-patches ^1.6.0
- drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold ^2.0.0
- drupalwxt/wxt 2.0.0-beta4
- harvesthq/chosen 1.6.1
- drupal/double_field ^3.0
The Development Requires
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- jcalderonzumba/gastonjs ~1.0.2
- jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver ~0.3.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ~1.2
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.8
- symfony/css-selector ~2.8
- drush/drush 8.1.12
- drupal/drupal-extension ~3.2.0
- behat/behat ^3.0
- drupal/coder ~8.2.0
- phing/phing ^2.14
- drupal/devel ^1.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 2.*
- se/selenium-server-standalone ^2.53
- drupal/console ^1.0
- jakoch/phantomjs-installer 1.9.8
- composer/composer ^1.4
- grasmash/yaml-cli ^1.0
dev-theme-and-frontendworkflow-updatesInstallation profile template for Drupal 8 sites built with the WxT distribution.
The Requires
- composer/installers ^1.2
- cweagans/composer-patches ^1.6.0
- drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold ^2.0.0
- drupalwxt/wxt 2.0.0-beta4
- harvesthq/chosen 1.6.1
- drupal/double_field ^3.0
The Development Requires
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- jcalderonzumba/gastonjs ~1.0.2
- jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver ~0.3.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ~1.2
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.8
- symfony/css-selector ~2.8
- drush/drush 8.1.12
- drupal/drupal-extension ~3.2.0
- behat/behat ^3.0
- drupal/coder ~8.2.0
- phing/phing ^2.14
- drupal/devel ^1.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 2.*
- se/selenium-server-standalone ^2.53
- drupal/console ^1.0
- jakoch/phantomjs-installer 1.9.8
- composer/composer ^1.4
- grasmash/yaml-cli ^1.0
dev-convert_to_content_typesInstallation profile template for Drupal 8 sites built with the WxT distribution.
The Requires
- composer/installers ^1.2
- cweagans/composer-patches ^1.6.0
- drupal-composer/drupal-scaffold ^2.0.0
- drupalwxt/wxt 2.0.0-beta4
- harvesthq/chosen 1.6.1
- drupal/double_field ^3.0
The Development Requires
- behat/mink ~1.7
- behat/mink-goutte-driver ~1.2
- jcalderonzumba/gastonjs ~1.0.2
- jcalderonzumba/mink-phantomjs-driver ~0.3.1
- mikey179/vfsstream ~1.2
- phpunit/phpunit ~4.8
- symfony/css-selector ~2.8
- drush/drush 8.1.12
- drupal/drupal-extension ~3.2.0
- behat/behat ^3.0
- drupal/coder ~8.2.0
- phing/phing ^2.14
- drupal/devel ^1.0
- squizlabs/php_codesniffer 2.*
- se/selenium-server-standalone ^2.53
- drupal/console ^1.0
- jakoch/phantomjs-installer 1.9.8
- composer/composer ^1.4
- grasmash/yaml-cli ^1.0