dev-7.x-1.x shorthand to allow easy use of image fields in Markdown.
The Requires
- php >=5.2.5
- composer/installers ~1.0
by Mark Trapp
markdown drupal
Provides shorthand to allow easy use of image fields in Markdown.
Provides shorthand to allow easy use of image fields in Markdown., (*1)
The Markdown syntax for images is the following:, (*2)
![image title](image url)
In Drupal, knowing the image URL is a difficult prospect because many different things can act on the image before it's displayed. One example is image styles: while you might know the original URL, finding out what the image style URL is can be difficult. Moreover, hard-linking to an image can cause problems if the image style changes., (*3)
Add itafroma/drupal-markdown_image
to your composer.json
:, (*4)
{ "require": { "itafroma/drupal-markdown_image": "dev-7.x-1.x" } }
Composer's Drupal installer assumes composer.json
is in your modules
If it isn't and you want to install the module somewhere else, use a custom
install path in your composer.json
:, (*5)
{ "extra": { "installer-paths": { "sites/all/modules/{$name}/": ["type:drupal-module"] } } }
More information can be found in the README for Composer's installers package., (*6)
Clone the repository into one of your modules
folders:, (*7)
git clone -b 7.x-1.x markdown_image
Once downloaded, install Markdown Image as you would any other module., (*8)
Use the standard Markdown syntax for images, replacing the URL with the name of the image field followed by the index of the image:, (*9)
![Image tite](field_image:1)
Contributors to Markdown Image hold copyright to their respective contributions. It is licensed via the GPLv2 only: if you contribute code, you agree to license your contributions via the same license., (*10)
GPLv2-compatible cross-licensing will be considered: please create an issue! Due to its reliance on the Drupal API (which is GPLv2+), it cannot be cross-licensed with a less restrictive, non-GPL-compatible license., (*11)
The full license can be found in the [LICENSE file][12]., (*12)
Provides shorthand to allow easy use of image fields in Markdown.
markdown drupal