This module provide possibility to lock features after their first revert when using the drop_ship module to manage releases., (*1)
The overall strategy of this module is that it cuts out the need for a developer (particularly site-builders) to figure out the odds and ends of creating a new piece of content (or something else) in an install hook., (*2)
Primary this would be used for staging content or components that needs to stay through the development life cycle and into a release cycle but should have the ability to change any way the client would like them to. Some components, such as menu items and panes, need to be created, but we don't care how they change. We just care that they are installed. Features provides a very flushed out ability to save and load components without the rigmarole of figuring out which items are necessary when creating code., (*3)
The usage is simple. Simply add via composer., (*4)
"require": { "drupal/feature_lock": "~1.0" }
Install like any other module you would install in Drupal., (*5)
For examples on how to set up a hook checkout feature_lock.api.php. Ideally, you can then add this hook to each feature that you wish to be locked, though the scope of the hooks isn't necessarily limited to that., (*6)