A bundle for running symfony background tasks with doctrine as the driver
A bundle for managing job queues
A bundle for managing job queues
A bundle for resque
A bundle for running symfony background tasks with Redis backend
A bundle for running symfony background tasks with SQS as the engine
A bundle for pushing tweets are push notifications
A sensi paramconverter for receiving uuids as url params
A bundle for fetching a list of live streams
Multivariate Tests Bundle
OFC2 for Symfony2
A collection of entities and data fixtures for commonly used types of normalized data
Symfony HerokuSchedulerBundle
Backup Restore Bundle
Block Bundle
Config Bundle
Language Bundle
Mail Bundle
Markup form field Bundle
Meta Bundle
Webform Bundle
Help you to check all your twig strings was translated - and all your translation keys exists
Select2 implementation for mdobak/autocomplete-widget-bundle
Autocomplete widget for Symfony
Generates documentation for your REST API from annotations
DateTimeBundle is a Symfony2 bundle which helps you to show Datetimes based on a calendar and provides a DatePicker (Choice and jQuery DatePicker) Form type. CalendarBundle uses a strategy that allows you to make your arbitary calendar driver.
Symfony MabsAdminLTEBundle
Google Analytics API v4 Symfony
Integrates the mediamonks/crawler package into Symfony
Symfony Bundle for working with Microsoft SQL Server on *nix (dblib) and Windows (sqlsrv) with UTF-8 and transactions support
MediaMonks Rest API Symfony Bundle
A powerful, flexible and easy to use alternative for the existing Sonata Media Bundle
Bamboo REST API integration in Symfony2
Symfony2 daemon bundle.
Jira REST API integration in Symfony2.
Stash REST api integration in Symfony
Plug & play frontend-oriented bundle that mainly consumes the MedunesEntityNarrowBundle
A plug & play bundle to expose your entities to HTTP based queries directly and indirectly
Symfony MEFSocketBundle
This Symfony2 bundle provides inheritance between multiple child bundles and one parent.
Provides TCPDF integration for Symfony
Fork of AntiMattr GoogleBundle. Static Google maps with caching, Adwords with remarketing & lots of other fixes.
The Websphere Commerce Connector for Akeneo
Symfony error handling bundle
Symfony framework extensions
Adds some booking functionality to your Symfony 2 project
Provides extended login form with captcha for several sequences failed login attempts.
Provides integration of Ext.ux.form.field.BoxSelect for MJR.