Symfony2 bundle which allow to minify cacheable HTML and XML responses using htmlcompressor
Bundle for generating Symfony2 commands
Bundle for integrating the doctrine-orm-value-object library in a Symfony2 project
Bundle for marking services and arguments as "lazy"
Bundle for using the Microsoft Translator V2 API
Bundle for creating random disasters in your Symfony project
An admin bunle
Displays the state of the PHP opcache in the Symfony profiler toolbar.
Symfony bundle for transforming controller action returns and exceptions into JSON API responses
Integrates ZendSearch with Symfony and Doctrine
Symfony MattschesVersionEyeBundle
Symfony MattschesVulnerabilitiesBundle
Symfony2 wrapper around HaPi Harvest API client for app usage
matuck Forum Bundle
A system provide menus, and an admin panel to manage them.
Bundle para manejar pais, provincia y localidad, con fixtures de datos de Argentina
Symfony AjaxAutocompleteBundle
Log guzzle request in Symfony profiler
Paymill payments for Symfony apps
MaxMind GeoIP Symfony2 Bundle
Command line tools to generate code for sonata-admin bundle
This Bundle provides support for google recaptcha into symfony forms
Bundle for using the Microsoft Translator V2 API (Fork to be able checkout with symfony 2.4)
Symfony ShtumiUsefulBundle
Base bundle for Symfony2
Easy annotation for Symfony2
fPDF Bundle for Symfony2
Google for Symfony2
Invoices for Symfony2
2Checkout notifications for Symfony2
Redis enable for Symfony2
Slugify tools for Symfony using jQuery and Bootstrap
MBDashboardBundle is a Symfony 3 bundle to create a dashboard which communicate with GitHub, GitLab, Stash, GitLab-CI, Bamboo and Jenkins.
An optimization bundle dedicated to simplify headers management and html compression
This Bundle provides an architecture to separate the different job layers in your Symfony application.
MBSecureDisplayBundle is a small simple bundle which protect emails and phone numbers behine encryption and JavaScript
LivePHP Bundle for Symfony2
OpenTBS Bundle for Symfony - create OpenOffice and Ms Office documents with Symfony
Google certificate-based authentication in server-to-server interactions with google analytics
Issue HTTP request.
e-Makuta client PHP, integrate Makuta PHP Client to symfony
The symfony2 integration for represent
EventHubBundle is an EventBundle integration bundle for Symfony.
FlashMessageHandlerBundle is an FlashMessageHandler integration bundle for Symfony.
A set of services to simplify using Aws to send push notifications
A bundle for managing job queues
A bundle for running symfony background tasks with doctrine as the driver
A bundle for managing job queues
A couple of helper files for handling json with symfony forms
The smallest, simplest memcached bundle