Symfony2 bundle to implement WSSE authentication
Symfony bundle for Bootstrap DateTime picker
Bundle providing a password encoder stack for support of legacy user data. / FORK
Rpc server for symfony that supports annotation of all Http methods.
Enable and disable functional features in Symfony2 applications.
Symfony2 bundle to create a backend area based on jQuery, jQuery UI
A content management bundle for Symfony2, Doctrine2
Bug tracker for gitlab API
Console administrative Lyssal
Bundle permettant de gérer toutes sortes de collections
Bundle permettant de gérer des lieux (villes, départements, régions, pays)
Bundle permettant de gérer des monnaies
Surcharge du SimpleCmsBundle de Symfony CMF
Outils divers pour travailler plus simplement et efficacement en Symfony
Bundle pour applications touristiques
Bundle Lyssal gérant les utilisateurs
This bundle helps you to add "Login with facebook" feature to your app
This Bundle integrates Dklab Realplexor comet server (or other) functionality into a Symfony2 project.
This Bundle is a basic cms based on symfony
Adds gearman support to your Symfony2 project
Deezer API interface for Symfony2
Symfony M4nuObjectRouteBundle
Symfony 2 Apache FOP integration
Provide APCu support
Symfony2 bundle to manages exceptions
SF2 Cache extra features
Symfony2 bundle on top of datastax/php-driver
bundle sf easing creating daemon commands
Render Draft.js state to HTML
Symfony2 Bundle on top of elasticsearch/elasticsearch-php
Bundle providing IP filtering features for controllers and actions
Extra feature for the FOSRestBundle
Symfony2 bundle on top of guzzle 6
Custom SF HttpKernel
Kafka bundle on top of rdkafka extension
SF2 Proxy manager Log
Provide extra features for Monolog
Php Process Manger bundle
bundle sf2 on top of predis
Symfony Bundle which fetch some HTTP headers from current request and reuse them in Guzzle clients sub-requests.
Add statds metrics in your symfony app. Allow you to bind metrics on any symfony event.
Symfony Bundle which stores request headers in statsd
Simple webservices client to call external urls
bundle sf2 allowing setting ids in headers propagated via guzzle
A bundle that provides the possibility to generate api keys for rest apis
Symfony bundle for Dojo Toolkit JavaScript library (toolkit)