Gives more power to Symfony2's ESI HttpCache
Create an email and on-site notification/alerts system for your users
Render a graphical representation of a Doctrine2 mapped database
Ssh client for Symfony 2. Allows to define connections and use them as services.
Striped down HTML5 Boilerplate for Symfony2 with Twig Blocks and jQuery
Catalyst Doctrine Discriminator Map Bundle
Tiny Tasks Bundle is a demonstrative tasks manager application for Symfony 3 and upper.
Symfony2 bundle for wrapping
A Symfony 3 bundle for managing orders
Symfony2 Bundle for HashIds library -
Jason Roman's Flot Bundle for Symfony2
Jason Roman's Twig Extension Bundle for Symfony2
Integrates datatable into Symfony2 project.
Integrates mailer into Symfony2 project.
Admin generator for Symfony applications
This bundle integrates Nexmo libs
JhgAsseticRewritesfFilterBundle provides assetic filter for helping bundle resources use.
JhgBootstrapBundle helps Bootstrap integration in Symfony2 projects.
JhgBootstrapWizardBundle integrates Twitter Bootstrap Wizard in SF2
Doctrine pagination bundle
This bundle adds irmprovements to doctrine
This bundle integrates Nexmo libs
Provides extra features to javihgil/nexmo-bundle like storing and delivery reports.
This bundle allows sass rewrites in symfony projects
Stores some metrics in Redis and provides a status page for Symfony projects
A basic implementation of URL Shortener Bundle for Symfony2
This Symfony bundle provides integration for the handlebars template engine.
A Drupal integration bundle for Symfony2.
A WordPress integration bundle for Symfony2.
A bundle for SYmfony2 which use jb/api-yahoo-weather to get weather informations from Yahoo Api
A bundle for SYmfony2 which add command to copy path to other path
A bundle for Symfony2 which social meta opengraph
Provides a simple interface to execute bower from the cli or via composer install/update
Provides a validator for css color specifications
Provides additional functionality around ElasticaBundle
Provides a password strength validator
Provides command to manage a web library directory
Use the Browscap library in your Symfony2 project
Configure your knp menus with yaml files accross your project bundles
Aggregate some bundles and libraries to provide easy ajax file upload integration with functionnalities like image croping or storage on amazon
A bridge for symfony with the phumbor client from 99designs
Provides simple static page admin and display
Symfony integration for jgg/imap
A Symfony bundle that downloads the translation files from the API and places them in the right folder.
Symfony bundle for the jcroll/foursquare-api-client
Symfony ClankBundle
Add Git repository informations into Symfony profiler
This bundle add some extra processor for Symfony usage
Provide Symfony services for checking user security roles
Simplify access of your class constants in Twig