The typograph bundle for Symfony based on E. Muravjev's Typograph
A simple Symfony bundle that implements Form classes for RobinHerbots/Inputmask jQuery plugin
A Symfony2 bundle for indexing and searching into single/multiple entities
A simple Monolog and Database logger for SwiftMailer emails
Templates for FOSUserBundle
ITE CMF CacheBundle
Cron implementation for Symfony2
Add new features for Doctrine 2
Provides functional for filtering Doctrine ArrayCollection or QueryBuilder data.
Improve Symfony 2 forms by adding new features and integration with popular JavaScript libraries and jQuery plugins.
Creates global JavaScript object and provide tools for making the bridge between Symfony 2 and JavaScript.
Provides functional for send emails using email templates and less generating functionality for end emails
ITE CMF NodeBundle
Symfony IteoFormFilterBundle
Symfony ITKBitfieldTypeExtension
Easy integration of twitters bootstrap into symfony2
Command bus
Provides a quick way to access application logs
Delayed Job bundle
Allows you easily create JSON/XML API response from the different types of objects.
This bundle generates a nice CRUD
JSON-RPC server for Symfony2: exposes services registered in the service container as JSON-RPC webservices
A Symfony bundle that integrates Laravel Elixir
A Symfony bundle that integrates Laravel Mix
A simple symfony bundle that helps you set your application in maintenance.
Stripe bundle
This bundle integrate Loginza
Tools for merge sites from many bundles
Allows child routers
Control Supervisord
Symfony bundle auto-generating form type, entity and template files from a simple Yaml form model.
This bundle provides a twig extension for editable content with internationalization support.
A Symfony bundle for Mutex implementation for PHP
Show benchmark functions, apis, controlers, etc
Cache functions with annotations.
Allow to load fixtures datasets through command line.
Convert Symfony constraints into data-attributes for client-side validation with Parsley.
J3tel Symfony Pager Bundle
J3tel Symfony framework
The WIZ resque bundle provides integration of php-resque to Symfony2.
A Bundle defining Items, Categories and Tags
Symfony Bundle for rendering blocks refreshable with ajax requests
Admingenerator for Symfony2 based on YAML configuration and Twig templating / Based on Cedric Lombardot
This bundle provides a basic feedback implementation for symfony 3 projects
This bundle provides user management and forms for Symfony 3 projects.
View helper for Symfony and Flat UI
Symfony2 Bundle for create services by command line