Geocode implementation and a friendly widget for Symfony2 Application
Easy rss pages in your symfony2 projects
Widget for upload multiple files using plupload
GaYA PhpbbEncoderBundle
Render twig string inside twig
Form Widget for content translation
Symfony 2 bundle that provides extra validation constraints.
Symfony 2 bundle for managing sales promotions (time/roles/expression language based).
Symfony 2 bundle for sale orders.
Symfony 2 bundle for easly handling shipping costs.
Image crop, resize & compression
Adds sorting functionality to your entities
This bundle provided security components like user entities forms and views.
PrestaShop WebService library bundle
wx pay php sdk bundle for symfony 2
Symfony Library for using the CMS Api to generate views
Symfony Library for using Ginco Thesaurus
A bundle for injecting data as javascript into a page
Add specific behaviours to Doctrine Bundle
Provides rackspace cloud files support for #Symfony2 Bundles
Symfony2 StreamResponse Bundle
Symfony2 Embedly Bundle
Symfony2 Datagrid Bundle
A Symfony2 Bundle to wrap the PHP ftp extension functionality in a more classy way.
Symfony MEFSocketBundle
Ajax grid for Symfony2
Samba client for Symfony2
Smyfony Bundle which provides integration for Memcached
Generates Symfony2 documents, forms and CRUD
Isolate Symfony Bundle
Allows you to use old system of form aliases
Bundle to help generate sitemap.xml
Integrates Gearman into Symfony2
Symfony BannerBundle
Symfony2 bundle. The ability to attach files to the form.
Type Checkbox-list for symfony-form.
Symfony2 bundle, adds config list to Sonata
Symfony2 bundle for site content management, require Propel, Sonata and jstree
Symfony 2 bundle for easy manage yandex and google analytic counters
Symfony2 bundle for propel fixtures
The bundle for creating forms using UI
Work with the IpGeoBase's database using Propel
Symfony2 mailer bundle
Bootstrap page layout for sonata, based on gridstack.js
Auxiliary Symfony2 bundle. Perenapravlenie from the pages of the old site to the new site page.
Склонение по падежам и сопряжение с числом
Symfony2 seo bundle.
Symfony2 single-config bundle
Symfony2. Sphinx search this site with the use Propel ORM.
Symfony2 bundle to work with the language versions of the website. Includes advanced Propel behavior sluggable.