Generate skeleton functional test for symfony2 bundle
A tool to auto generate basic Sonata admin class
Hush ChatBundle
Support for authenticating users using both OAuth1.0a and OAuth2 in Symfony2.
This bundle allows to locate vendor packages inside a Symfony project.
image for symfony2
ueditor for symfony2
ueditor for symfony2
Symfony Layout Bundle
Symfony Layout Bundle
This is a test bundle to see how deployment works with comoser
Sphinx search bundle for Symfony 2
Symfony2 Bundle for Facebook Graph API
MongoDB ACL Bundle
Make Prooph Event Store streams accessible over a REST API.
This bundle implements command chaining functionality.
Resolve relations over annotations
Symfony2 applications deployment made easy
Renames form fields for rendering and converts back for submitting data
Symfony HMAC Bundle adds a SecurityListenerFactor which provide a hmac authentication for configured firewall
Manage generic Import over annotations
Execute RFC 6902 compliant patches in PHP
Extended Loggable Bundle
Symfony NewsletterBundle
Payment Bundle providing access to the Saferpay API
This helps binds the php-airbrake module into a Symfony2 bundle for easy use with the framework.
Provide some additional features to FOSRest
A simple saferpay implementation
A Symfony2 Bundle to add some SEO functionality
Symfony Simple CMS Bundle
Manage Sonata Form, Data, List and ShowMapper over annotations
Integration of lexik translation into sonata admin
Symfony Translation Helper Bundle
Simple wizard for a controller with validation methods
bootstrap x-editable symfony2 forms integration
Symfony2 Barcode Generator Bundle with Twig function extension
ICANS Logging Bundle
ICANS Logging Component
Symfony TagBundle that easily adds tags to any entity
Bundle providing forms and business logic for course registrations.
Client for the ICE Janus API
Client for the ICE Mailer API
Client for the ICE Mercury API
Client for the ICE Minerva API
Client for the ICE Veritas API
Provides a command line task to clear APC cache from the console
Flot Bundle for Symfony2
jQuery UI AMD Bundle for Symfony2
Build form filters by using forms with annotated data classes