Symfony2 PDOSession Bundle.
This bundle generates a nice CRUD based on JordiLlonch
This bundle provides a way to create an xml sitemap using doctrine
Defer your events to another process (via FastCGI)
A library to integrate enums into the Symfony framework
A bundle to run release-phase migrations on Heroku
Symfony bundle who create a lock in commands, avoiding the execution of same command simultaneously
Symfony MandrillBundle
Settings from db
Demo per fifree2
Imap bundle per Fifree2
ldap per progetti Fifree2
oracle per progetti Fifree2
Utility per sistema operativo
Pannello di amministrazione per progetti Fifree2
Image manipulation using Imagine and Twig Filters.
Symfony bundle for Isidore API
Add JMSTranslationBundle to SonataAdminBundle
Symfony SonataUserBundle
Symfony bundle for the porpaginas beberlei/porpaginas.
This Bundle provides like functionality for Jpush(
FrameworkBundle for building Symfony web apps
EasyAdmin unofficial translations system for Symfony applications
Provides OO-Redis handling
Provides a Redis-Data Browser
Allows you to easily create and execute HTTP Requests with cURL
FORK! Fix for symfony 2.3. This bundle provides easy creating of jqGrid datagrids
FORK! Fix for symfony 2.3. This bundle provides extra form types empowered by jQuery
Symfony FDPrivateMessageBundle
Fork of borNfreee/CommandRunnerBundle. Executes symfony console command from a Controller.
Fork of jbouzekri/ConfigKnpMenuBundle
A content management bundle for Symfony2, Doctrine2
SEO manager, sitemap generator
Fork of zeopix/symfony-builder
Allows logging entity changes to an entity for use in simple mutation logging systems.
Easing Symfony2 bundle installation to one single command
DynamicForm creates database driven forms and persist results
Set latitude and longitude values on a form using Google Maps
A small assetic filter for symfony to fix all url paths at css documents to correct urls
Integrates Imagine into Symfony2
Integrates nominatim api (Geolocation API based on OpenStreetMap) into Symfony2
Integrates SimplePie into Symfony2
FlagbitCurrencyBundle for the Symfony Framework
FlagbitMetricsBundle provides easy integration of metrics collector services for the Symfony Framework
Symfony FJLChargifyBundle
This bundle extend support of postgresql for doctrine