This is a Symfony2 Bundle helps you to read and write PowerPoint files, thanks to the PHPPowerPoint library
Client API Bundle for Evalandgo
Bundle evaneos/burrow, an AMQP library in PHP, to be easily used with Symfony Standard.
AMQP wrapper of php C extension in order to easily manipulate connection, channel, queue and exchange
AMQP wrapper of php C extension in order to easily manipulate connection, channel, queue and exchange
Symfony2 bundle wrapping IronMQ PHP bindings
Integrates PhealNG library into Symfony2.
Provides an easy grid generator
Provides exta functions to the soft deleteable listener of gedmo
Symfony2 Bundle for Eventio BBQ Message Queue Library
Symfony2 bundle for managing site banners
Symfony2 bundle for managing site faq
Simple Symfony2 Bundle to work with pages
Allows you send errors to hipchat
Useful filters for twig
Symfony bundle for Navigation
Symfony OAuth Bundle
Symfony emSettingsBundle
WidgetBundle is something similar to modx snippets, makes your content managment system powerful.
The GtmBundle adds the ability to add Google Tag Manager code to your application.
The HTML5CacheBundle adds the ability to add HTML5 Application Cache to your application.
The HTML5VertiTemplateBundle adds the ability to add free responsive site template by HTML5 to your application.
The JqueryBundle adds the ability to add latest jQuery to your application.
The MaterializeBundle adds the ability to add latest Materialize to your application.
The RobotsTxtBundle adds the ability to generate robots.txt file to your application.
The SearchBundle adds the ability to use simple elasticsearch search in your application.
The SimplePaginationBundle adds the ability to use simple pagination in your application.
The SimpleTaskFSMBundle adds the ability to use FSM tasks runner in your application.
The SitemapXmlBundle adds the ability to generate sitemap.xml file to your application.
The TwitterBootstrapBundle adds the ability to add latest Twitter Bootstrap to your application.
Symfony DropzoneBundle
Bugsnag error reporting integration for Symfony2
The GruntUseminBundle provides a Twig extension for using files processed with grunt-usemin when in production.
A service and Twig method that displays all form errors on all levels.
An extension to Sonata AdminBundle that customize the look and feel
This bundle provides connection support for Facebook and Twitter
This bundle integrate Braintree's PHP client library into Symfony
Iconic fonts scissors for web application design
This bundle provides tools to generate dynamic forms
This bundle integrates the Omlex (an oEmbed) library into Symfony applications.
This bundle provides easy reCAPTCHA form field integration
This bundle provides a jQuery based WYSIWYG-editor called Redactor form field integration
This bundle provides a way to inject parameters into services at runtime
Integrates Zend Search Lucene into Symfony applications