Bundle for providing menu's in your application.
Bundle for generating Pdf files from html.
Bundle with some simple useful tools for routing
Bundle with some simple useful tools
Bundle with some simple useful tools
This bundle allows you to place your website in maintenance mode by calling two commands from your console.
Fast entity bundle for Symfony 2, used to generate dropdowns from entities faster than the default 'entity' formtype
dotHIV parsedown bundle for Symfony2 install Parsedown and provides a twig filter
dotHIV valueobject bundle for Symfony2 is a collection of value objects.
Integrates the Dot Smart SMS service in Symfony2 applications
Contao 4 responsive images
A Symfony 2 client for the League of Legends API
Browser with caching handling over Buzz
Generates XML sitemaps for your favourite search engine by extracting sitemap information out of the site's routes.
Bundle for native-session package
Bundle for a payment structure using RestAPI
This is a set of helper class for test automation for Symfony
Ionic pusher symfony bundle
Opinionated configuration for your Kunstmaan CMS instance.
Integrates a media type listener and a Content API layer into a Kunstmaan CMS instance.
Set and use sensible defaults for running the Kunstmaan CMS on a distributed infrastructure.
Adds and overrides german translations for the Kunstmaan CMS backend.
Google Geolocaton integration for your Symfony2 project
Bunde that offers some improvements in the configuration management of your Symfony application
Dreamlex common futures for other Dreamlex bundles
Dreamlex Google spreadsheet bundle
Work with systemd
Dreamlex ticket bundle
This bundle provides functionality to limit calls to actions based on rate limits
Allows symfony integration with json-api framework agnostic library (neomerx/limoncello)
A Symfony Bundle that ships in Docker and Docker Compose support out-of-the-box
A Symfony Bundle that ships in Docker and Docker Compose support out-of-the-box
Send invalidation requests to your HTTP cache
Bundle that provides a Twig filter to support WordPress-like shortcodes.
Symfony2 bundle for easy integration of the CKEditor WYSIWYG (with file upload)
Fork of the GoogleBundle adds support for Javascript maps.
A pheanstalk-bundle for Symfony2
Cron manager
Google Geolocaton integration for your Symfony2 project
Message Queue Manager for symfony2.
Provides TWIG helpers for distance and time stuff
A dumper bundle
A demo bundle
Yaml file editor