Entity Manager Generator bundle for Symfony 2
Feedback bundle for Symfony 2
Stomp bundle for Symfony 2
A bundle which allows users to log in using Facebook, Twitter, Google and Raven (Cambridge University). A bridge between acts/social-api-bundle and the Symfony2 security component.
A bundle for accessing data from OAuth 1/2 REST APIs. Provides an extendable list of methods for calling Facebook and Twitter APIs.
A bundle for Symfony2 which automatically syncs Doctrine entities to a Sphinx real-time index.
A simple bundle for Symfony2 which enables the current time to be mocked.
Akeneo PIM bundle to export to Drupal commerce platform
Symfony ShtumiUsefulBundle
Symfony bundle that provide a SAML Identity Provider (idp).
Adadgio CacheBundle
A lot of cool utilities, helpers and connectors
Adadgio HealthBundle
A lot of cool utilities, helpers and connectors
Fieldset Type in Symfony Forms
Bundle para integração com a API do beonpopBundle
This bundle allows you to integrate the jQuery FullCalendar plugin into your Symfony2 application.
This bundle helps you to deal with emails in your Symfony2 app. Render emails from Twig or Database, it's easy!.
Manage release of new features
Symfony2 Bundle to interact with a Shopify Store (API Call)
This bundle provide menanism cache complexe render datas
Symfony Syntax Highlight Bundle
Premier bundle de test
Admin panel generator for Symfony
Admin platform for Symfony2 projects.
The admin bundle
The doctrine orm admin bundle
Summernote bundle, adds Summernote WYSIWYG editor to your Symfony2 project
Symfony2 bundle for generate carousel and modify
Create a JSON WebApi with minimum configuration, targetting several client side libraries, such as breeze js
Subscription handling via the Stripe API
This bundle provides JWT authentication for your Symfony2 REST API
This bundle provides scheduled execution of Symfony2 commands, base on colourstream/cron-bundle
Symfony2 SAML2 authentication bundle
A bundle to handle serialization and deseralization of Entities on Symfony, it's a layer over Symfony's Serializer Component
A bundle providing a RESTful API to handle business
A bundle providing a RESTful API to handle Employees on BusinessBundle
A bundle to wrap FOSOauthServerBundle and provide oauth to APIs
A bundle to handle serialization and deseralization of Entities on Symfony, it's a layer over Symfony's Serializer Component
A wrapper for Symfony FOSUserBundle
Symfony filemakerBundle
Check for duplicated translations code, unused translations codes, ...
Symfony2 bundle for disable controllers with annotations.
Symfony2 bundle for image resizing.
Afrihost’s ‘swiss-army-knife’ extension of Symfony’s ContainerAwareCommand that defines common reusable functionality (such as logging) across commands
Render parking Symfony2
Symfony AGEApiBundle