Generate lorem ipsum text with changeable dictionary
Symfony BcKnockoutJSBundle
Symfony Page editor bundle
This bundle allows create and render widgets - configurable reusable blocks (like in Magento).
Adds DataTables functionality to Symfony2
Adds DataTables Generator functionality to Symfony2
Report builder
Allows you to get browser information
A Symfony2 Wrapper for the ise/php-soundcloud Composer package for PHP
SonataAdminBundle Extension
SonataBlockBundle Extension
SonataClassificationBundle Extension
SonataCoreBundle Extension
SonataDoctrineORMAdminBundle Extension
Impletentation of SimpleThingsEntityAuditBundle
SonataFormatterBundle Extension
Symfony bundle provides that connectivity to Kafka based using rdkafka binding to librdkafka.
SonataMediaBundle Extension
Implementation of FOSOAuthServerBundle
SonataTimelineBundle Extension
SonataUserBundle Extension
Security Bundle for FOSUserBundle, SonataUserBundle and BrueryUserBundle
This bundle implements a service to call rest api
This bundle implements a service to call rest api
It's a Symfony2 bundle that integrates Select2 as a drop-in replacement for a standard entity field on a Symfony form.
Makes it easy to develop frontends based on the terrific concept
Enables development of frontends based on the terrific concept
SEO Extension bundle for eZ Plateform aka eZ pblish 6
Base Bundle
Symfony OAuth2ServerBundle
Symfony2 bundle that extends Sensio ParamConverter functionality, allowing to convert simple GET and complex POST data
Symfony2 bundle allows to use templates for json responses
Integrates tenserflow recognizer into your Symfony2/Symfony3 application
A Symfony bundle that let's you scan your files for viruses using the Tissue library
Symfony2 bundle for integrating MongoDB
Symfony bundle for handling the PHP DateTime functionalities
Symfony 2.1.x wrapper for the bugbyte/deployer package.
Official Bugsnag notifier for Symfony applications.
Symfony filter bundle.
A simple Symfony2/Symfony3 bundle for the official sdk provided by HelloSign.
Provides integration between LiipImagineBundle and JMSSerializerBundle.
A simple Symfony bundle that adds timestamp form field type.
Breadcrumbs bundle for Symfony2.
Wrapper for ups api bundle
A city/country selector bundle
Simple symfony2 yaml gui which allows you to edit yaml config files in a simple webform.
A Symfony Bundle for
Burgov CMS Bundle
Helper Bundle for recursive Menus using knp menu