Generate simple phpunit test for your project.
Symfony bundle which provides high-level API for emails creation and sending
Intregate jQuery Datatable with Symfony 2
Sphinx search bundle for Symfony 2
Entity hydrator component for sf4 and doctrine
This bundle provides load of AllMySMS API for your Symfony Project
Sample symfony bundle
Provides creating assets from the custom sources. Work like an assets:install
Provides possibility for visualize entity data by yaml configuration
Markdown and markdown extra bundle for Symfony
OneLogin SAML Bundle for Symfony2
Zammad API Client for Symfony2
Library to consume webservices based on symfony entities and fosrestbundle.
This bundle is a symfony integration of neutron/temporary-filesystem.
Symfony simple FileBundle
Symfony Datagrid Bundle
Image handling bundle
An easy way to filter requests in your Symfony 4 application (that uses Doctrine2 as ORM).
Provide a base class to validate user data sent in a GraphQL mutation and return validations errors.
Inbox management bundle
Points management bundle
Integrates CommonMark into Symfony 4 apps.
Simple push notifications bundle for iOS & Android
The UI bundle for Blast and SIL elements
WeMakeCustom Bridge between SwiftMailer Twig
Integration with solarium solr client.
A collection of extensions to allow you to use symfony .env files easier
Symfony Form Extra Bundle - no html5 validation extension in development & testing
Bundle to purchase and use credits within a website
Provides share buttons in differents views, with possibility to provide url
Groups common files and settings to create a website
Sulu tools bundle
Integration testrail bundle
Filters for EasyAdmin
Create an entity for editing and replace the old if approved with the same id
Bundle used to make payment amd manage client payment by stripe
Authentication via api key or JWT.
This bundle provides basic payment logic for Symfony-based applications basic on Omnipay lib.
Push notifications/messages for mobile devices
This bundle provides download utilities for symfony2
Admin template for symfony apps
Symfony2 Breadcrumbs Bundle with annotations and PHP
Symfony DiscuteaMediaBundle
Symfony package repository to install dbal implementation of doctrine/phpcr-bundle.
An interface to show propel datas
This bundle provides a simple user management