Paella Stats UI for PuMuKIT
UP2U Personal Recorder WebTVBundle.
Symfony Bundle for manage user subscriptions
A symfony package bundle for Node.Js event-driven socket application.
Client Prestashop Api
Prestashop Integration
Symfony bundle for running commands as cron
Provides a repeatable collection field type for united CMS
Core functionality for united CMS
A simple vendor bundle as example
Ve Google Hangouts integration
Ve Task Bundle
BAP Layout Bundle
Ve Message Queue Bundle
BAP RequireJS Bundle
VideoGamesRecords DwhBundle
VideoGamesRecords TeamBundle
VideoGamesRecords VideoBundle
WakeOnWeb Salesforce bundle
Symfony4 currency rate bundle, allows convert currencies and load rates via cbr or ecb provider
DataTables Symfony bundle
Intregate Bootstrap theme with Symfony 2
Symfony integration for Message Bus
This bundle allows you to minify html code, combine and minify JavaScript files and CSS files without Java VM.
This bundle provide tool for easing unit tests with test db
A Symfony bundle to integrate with PHPOffice's PhpSpreadsheet library
CVSS integration in Symfony2
Integration of the ywh/doctrine-encryption-extension with Symfony2
This Bundle provides interface to monitor supervisor server processes
Module de base pour les applications de la Ville de Marche-en-Famenne (templates, css, javascrits...)
Module d'authentification et de gestion des utilisateurs
This bundle provides help for the work with entities which managed by Doctrine
Provides integration EnumMapper component with Symfony
Provee mecanismos para transformar un código
Generate Fixture from your existing data in your database. You can specify the Entity name and the IDs you want to import in your fixture.
Doctrine cache invalidator.
This bundles helps you to create events history from loggable entities.
This bundles helps you to create PDF files from URL or HTML content with Google Chrome.
This bundles simplifies configuration of a PDO session handler.
This bundles allows you to persist configuration in database.
This bundle provides helper classes for phpunit tests.
Simple User bundle for Symfony 3.3 projects. Provides user and role with ACL support.
Roadmap bundle for Symfony
This bundle adds functionality for ordering form elements
Generates a crontab based on the app directory.