Symfony Bundle to generate dialogs using Bootstrap Modal
A Symfony Encryption Bundle
A Symfony Bundle for the creation and rendering of list of entities
A Symfony Bundle to build Bootstrap based menus for Web Apps
Provides integration of Sphinx search engine with Symfony using SphinxQL
Paginator for querybuilder
This bundle provides a way to validate JSON passed to a request against a schema
Symfony Easy Emails Queue Bundle
Browse and render “static” Twig templates from bundles in a Symfony project. This bundle is a port of the TwigExpress tool, and is intended for private front-end prototypes, not public-facing pages.
A Symfony bundle to manage controller's actions access with a nice GUI
bundle of workerman library
Time provider, providing consistent current date, time, datetime and timezone across the request.
Makes resource API development a little easier.
Symfony profiler tools for High Availability applications
Clone of Light SAML2 SP Symfony Bundle, enabling PHP 5.6
Light SAML Symfony bridge bundle
Symfony Tool to help Import/Export (missing) translations
Symfony routing using php-api-descriptions
A simple Steam API Wrapper Bundle for Symfony applications.
Integrates Callback into Symfony2
Some enhancements for symfony forms : Collections and javascripts, selects, dependants fields
Bring admin feature to Symfony. Use other LCH bundles
Common components to all LCH bundles
Symfony LchMediaBundle
Gives a simple Wordpress like menu management system for Symfony
Provides minimal SEO items on front-page-having entities : slug, title, description
Payment Bundle providing access to the ATOS SIPS solution
A Symfony bundle to generate SEO meta tags.
Provide some usefull entities
Allow add Doctrine repository as type-hinted action argument in SF controller
Provide some usefull test tools
Symfony Bundle to include the redmine api.
This symfony bundle is made to simplify testing of your rest API. It can be useful in running of functional data fixtures based tests and acceptance (Behat) tests. It simplifies automatic tests development by provided test cases classes and commands
Simple bundle to help assist in image creation and manipulation on the Dandomain webshop
Google Analytics API v4 Symfony
Un bundle pour générer un PDF
Integrates the Dompdf (0.8) library into a Symfony2 application
A CRUD user manager for the FOSUserBundle
Modify current MultiplyConsumer class from the OldSoundRabbitMqBundle
Symfony bundle that integrates gentle-force library for limiting both brute-force attempts and ordinary requests, using leaky/token bucket algorithm, based on Redis
Symfony integration for mablae/store-locator
Symfony bundle for Mailjet API V3
Symfony CRUD/Templates generator and creator bundle for Doctrine Entities
PHP Bundle
Symfony2 bundle for API Micrososft