Symfony2 Ajax Datagrid Bundle for doctrine2 entities
JavaScript for PHP5 - 'fork' from
Payment Bundle providing access to Ogone gateway
A symfony Response to build and stream Zip on the fly
This bundle handles the integration of File Manager and Image Manager plugins inside TinyMCE
SEO Bundle for your Symfony2 project
Payment Bundle providing access to the PayPal REST API
Symfony WandiToolsBundle
Admin bundle for Symfony2. Part of the Shuwee project
Config bundle. Part of the Shuwee project
Integrates php-amqplib with Symfony2 and RabbitMq
Example client for the WarrantyLife API
Integrates SonataMediaBundle with CKEditor
Symfony SonataMediaBundle
Cache Invalidation Bundle
Wassa Data Loader Bundle
Wassa Push Server bundle
Wassa Simple API Key Authenticator Bundle
Communes De France
file upload
tree structure
Symfony WeareFormBuilderBundle
Symfony bundle that integrates Intercom
Weasty Doctrine Bundle
This bundle include service for translate with Google Translate and command which translate messages in your Bundles
Weasty Money Bundle
Weasty Resource Bundle
Symfony SonataSeoBundle
Integrates SonataMediaBundle with CKEditor
Symfony ShtumiUsefulBundle
Core systems in WebAnt
Admingenerator for Symfony2 based on YAML configuration and Twig templating fork
Article bundle for Sylius e-commerce platform.
Customers also bought bundle for the Sylius e-commerce platform.
Sylius integration with Google's Enhanced E-Commerce tracking within Google Analytics
Location bundle for Sylius e-commerce platform.
Order association bundle for the Sylius e-commerce platform.
Wrapper for eBay API. Bundle for Symfony2
WebcookCMS common library.
WebcookCMS core library.
WebcookCMS internationalization library.
Security bundle for authorization, authentication and user, roles and resources management.
WebDevign form bundle
A task queue / worker bundle for use with symfony3 and pda/pheanstalk
A symfony2 bundle for pushover
This bundle is used to track crawlers and robots in a Symfony app. It is based on Crawltrack
Dnsbl bundle for Symfony2
This bundle transforms a part of text representing a source code in html formated text, providing 5 highlighter: pygment, geshi, highlight, http request to appspot, http request to hiliteme
Imap bundle for Symfony2
Symfony2 Bootstrap Backend/Admin Theme based on Metronic