Symfony Bundle for TS3 Viewer
Symfony bundle which provide quite simple functions for interact with sftp servers
Symfony2 route active
This bundle helps you to deal with emails in your Symfony2 app. Render emails from Twig or Database, it's easy!.
jQuery Nivo Slider plugin integration for symfony.
Symfony2 Bundle to integrate an app with Ducksboard.
Symfony bundle for painless Upstart configuration. It helps to make any script run forever in background on Linux.
Symfony based web UI for sfnix/upstart bundle. (Painless Upstart configuration. It helps to make any script run forever in background on Linux.)
Symfony2 SfsAdminBundle
This Bundle provides annotations to encrypt fields
This Bundle provides annotations to manage position of entiy rows
This Bundle handle authentication with role, permission and group dynamic system, and set handlers for login behavior, logout behavior and failure connection behavior. This add a layout theme system.
This Bundle provides tools to construct personnal CMS with managers allowed the creation of page with blocks and widgets ( management varnish and memcache with reverse proxy, search lucene manager, render ESI, SEO pages, etc. )
This Bundle provide a plugin with several widgets like Article, Tag, media, rub, test to work with the CMF
This Bundle provide a plugin with several widgets like block, Menu, Organigram, Slide, Contact, Tree to work with the CMF
This Bundle provides models of classes allowing to work and develop with doctrine (translation, tree, CRUD generate Datatable table and multi-forms)
This Bundle provides web services allowing to connect authentication service with the Wsse protocol.
This Bundle provides library to run Browscap Manager`s utilities and MobileDetect Manager`s utilities.
This Bundle provides SonataAdminBundle CURD to handler Role, Permission, Group and historical of the CMF page
This Bundle overload the SonataClassificationBundle
This Bundle provides a mediatheque to manage medias or documents
This Bundle provides form extensions and twig model for the cmf.
This Bundle provides the Flatlab theme for the cmf.
This Bundle provides the smoothness theme for the cmf.
This Bundle provides context tools (WebApi, Ajax, Xpath, hidden field) to run mink tests.
This Bundle provides classes to cache handlers (memcache, files)
This Bundle provides a secure captcha to add in form.
This Bundle provides handlers to rapidly develop with the circuit breaker pattern in microservice architecture
This Bundle provides handlers to work with xml and xsd files.
This Bundle provides currency handler
This Bundle provides classes and commands to run DB vendor`s utilities to backup and restore databases.
This Bundle provides abstracts and interfaces in DDD for microservice architecture
Generate DDD bundle and generator
This Bundle provides a command to execute migration with a versionning system like doctrine migration.
This Bundle provides handlers to rapidly develop with the specification pattern in DDD applicative architecture
This Bundle provides a model bundle to show how to work with doctrine trigger and the observer pattern
This Bundle provides tool libraries and services of route and role and twig extensions.
This Bundle provides entity and models of classes allowing to work with symfony translation words.
Symfony Calendar Bundle For Doctrine2 Entities
Symfony Datatable Bundle For Doctrine2 Entities
Freelancer Timesheets and Billing Symfony2 Bundle
Symfony FMBbCodeBundle
An image editing bundle using PHP's GD library if other solutions fail for some reason.
A small bundle for returning a visitor's used browser and operating system from the UserAgent.
Easy version management and Twig support for jQuery
This bundle provides scheduled execution of Symfony2 commands
Adds a doctrine session handler to a Symfony project.