This bundle provides flexible tool to convert table data between different formats.
MongoDB ACL Bundle
Fork from EWZRecaptchaBundle
Integrates Loater into Symfony
Test project to download files from Digital Dj pool
Test project to download files from Digital Dj pool
A bundle that integrates UniversalCache with Symfony
Various improvements for Symfony applications
Various improvements for Symfony applications
Symfony Qal FlickrBundle
Symfony bundle for Bootstrap DateTime picker
This Bundle provides the integration with qandidate/toggle. It provides the services and configuration you need to implement feature toggles in your Symfony application.
Symfony 2 entity hidden form type
PostgreSQL RANDOM() function for Doctrine ORM
Symfony2 and FreshMail REST API integration
This bundle allow to import translation files content into the database and provide a GUI to edit translations. This is fork from Lexik/LexikTranslationBundle
QCM Core bundle for Symfony2
QIMNET CRUD bundle (alpha)
QIMNET Paginator bundle (alpha)
QIMNET SolrClient bundle (alpha)
QIMNET SolrClient bundle test entities
QIMNET Table bundle (alpha)
QIMNET Update tracker bundle
QIMNET Update Tracker test bundle
File manager bundle
FontAwesome Bundle for Symfony2
Markdown searcher in your symfony project and generate documentation
Render ReactJS component in server side using reactjs/react-php-v8js
Implements woohoolabs/yin framework into Symfony
Symfony2 Bundle to integrate the CKEditor plugin uses a <div> element (instead of the traditional <iframe> element)
Symfony BreadcrumbsBundle
Symfony SocialMediaBundle
Symfony StaticContentBundle
An easy way to build Api with FosRestBundle
Transform and Load data in your doctrine entities
Integration of stripe into symfony2.
Integration of webpay into symfony2.
This bundle allow to store translations into database and manage them in a JQuery Ui. Based on
Quovadis base template bundle
Use U2F-Keys as 2FA for Symfony2, using scheb/two-factor-bundle
Bundle for Google services
r1pp3rj4ck LipsumBundle
Renders strings instead of files with Twig
Symfony shop client for Renzel Agentur silex rest api