Symfony2 bundle that integrates the Markdownify class as a service
Bundle to manage exception system
This bundle generate the front with gulp
Bundle to manage notification system
Adds assetic filter to remove logging from JavaScript files
Symfony2 bundle for quickly setup all Entites, Forms and Repositories of a project, throug a schema.yml (the symfony1's style)
Provide Symfony2 web profiler for Guzzle
Simple Google Account Authentication Symfony Bundle
Symfony integration bundle for neomerx/json-api
Bundle for Boomgo the lightweight PHP ODM for MongoDB
Bundle for the online payment system provided by Paybox
Set path based HTTP cache headers and send invalidation requests to your HTTP cache
Provide API calls for Symfony2 project. Result is shown in debug toolbar.
This bundle provides container managed transactoins in controller actions.
This Bundle offers an Encoder for the Symfony-Security-System which combines various hash algorithms for secure passwords.
Symfony bundle for the simple image sprite and stylesheet generator.
Symfony2 Multi Doctrine Repositories Bundle
A Symfony2 bundle for the ChatWork Api library
Twig- and SwiftMailer-based mailer implementation
Blog bundle based on a WordPress database.
Blameable behaviour for Doctrine2
This Bundle provides Mockery integration to make it possible to mock service in Behat.
This Bundle provides interface to interact with payment systems
PHPCR Bundle - still in dev
The Symfony2 bundle for Pomm2
Adds scheduling to BernardPHP for symfony.
Integrates into your Symfony2 application
Adds phpredis to symfony.
Symfony2 filter UI
Annotation handling for Symfony2 entity metadata
Reporting functions
Extension of FOSUserBundle
Symfony Positibe CmfRoutingExtra Bundle
Symfony Positibe Cms Bundle
Symfony PositibeCoreBundle
Symfony PositibeEnumBundle
Symfony Positibe Media Bundle
Symfony PositibeMenuBundle
Symfony PositibeSeoBundle
Symfony PositibeUniqueViewsBundle for count the number of views of a object model
Bundle for symfony based on post hawk api
Support for authenticating users via oauth in Symfony2.
A bundle for persian date in Symfony2
MongoDB Symfony Bundle. This bundle allow you to use in the easiest and fastest way MongoDB in your project with the new php driver (Support php >=5.4 and php 7.x). It's not an ODM
Blog bundle
Automatically updates elasticsearch mappings
Symfony bundle adding YAML deserialization to the JMS serializer bundle