, (*1)
This Symfony2 Bundle adds the possibility to render strings instead of files with the Symfony2 native Twig templating engine.
The Bundle adds an additional service named twigstring
. It is used the same way as the original templating service.
The only difference is that the first argument of the method render(<string>, [<array])
is a string to parse instead of a template file., (*2)
The bundles supports variable output, conditions, loops and rendering of an controller. It does NOT support including templates, yet. It would interpret the template name as twigstring., (*3)
One example usage scenario is to load templates from the database instead of using files., (*4)
Extension ideas:, (*5)
- option to include templates
- add a black-/whitelist for allowed allowed twig tags
1. Register the bundle in composer
You need to add it to your composer.json requirements:
``` js
"require": {
"zeliard91/twigstring-bundle": "~1.0"
}, (*6)
### 2. Downloading the bundle from packagist
Install it by running the following command:
$ ./composer.phar update zeliard91/twigstring-bundle
### 3. Registering the bundle in the kernel
``` php
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles() {
$bundles = array(
// ...
new LK\TwigstringBundle\LKTwigstringBundle(),
// ...
4. Registering the bundle in the configuration
``` yaml, (*7)
# Decide if you want that all registered twig extensions must be loaded
load_twig_extensions: true # (default to true), (*8)
### 5. Add additional extensions you are in need of (optional)
``` yaml
# app/config/services.yml
class: Foo\BarBundle\Twig\FooBarExtension
- { name: twigstring.extension }
For a list of available extensions see fabpot/Twig-extensions or create one on your own with Symfony Cookbook and twig doc., (*9)
``` php
// set example parameter
$vars = array('var'=>'x');, (*10)
// get twigstring service
$tpl_engine = $this->get('twigstring');, (*11)
// render example string
$vars['test'] = 'u ' . $tpl_engine->render('v {{ var }} {% if var is defined %} y {% endif %} z{% for i in 1..5 %} {{ i }}{% endfor %}', $vars);, (*12)
or use the short way:
``` php
// set example parameter
$vars = array('var'=>'x');
// render example string
$vars['test'] = 'u ' . $this->get('twigstring')->render('v {{ var }} {% if var is defined %} y {% endif %} z{% for i in 1..5 %} {{ i }}{% endfor %}', $vars);
Example output:
u v x y z
The bundle is licensed under MIT license. For full license see LICENSE file, (*13)
LarsK (Lars KrĂŒger), cordoval (Luis Cordova), r1pp3rj4ck (Attila Bukor), zeliard91 (Damien Matabon), (*14)