This bundle provides an Web interface to OpenVPN Management interface throught Telnet
This bundle will create a web interface to a telnet interface of an OpenVPN server, for Symfony Application. This interface will show all the user connected to a VPN server and you wil also have the possibility to log out user., (*1)
You need to add a package to your dependency list :, (*2)
Then you will need a composer update:, (*3)
composer update "yunai39/openvpn-management-bundle"
Dont forget to add the Bundle to the kernel, (*4)
//app/AppKernel.php new Yunai39\Bundle\OpenVPNManagementBundle\OpenVPNManagementBundle(),
And also add the following routing:, (*5)
openvpn: resource: "@OpenVPNManagementBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /openvpn
You can add multiple server, but you need to add a list one. Your OpenVPN server must be configured to use a telnet interface., (*6)
openvpn.servers: 1: ip: name: server name telnet_port: your_port telnet_password: ***** openvpn.conf.reload: 5 # Every 5 minutes the page will be reloaded
You will also need to add openvpn.conf.reload as a twig global like this, (*7)
twig: globals: openvpn_conf_reload: %openvpn.conf.reload%
As for custom css, the main div containing the information about, every single serveur has the class openvpn_info_main, each table is openvpn_info_table and the information at the bottom is openvpn_info_bottom. For the page to be relod every time to create a base.html.twig who has a meta block as the index extends '::base.html.twig', (*8)
The to access you server info go to the page /openvpn/infoS., (*9)
Error Handling Add with or withour a password, (*10)