2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle progressr

Helper for progress status in Symfony2 console component



Helper for progress status in Symfony2 console component

  • Tuesday, February 19, 2013
  • by yoye
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  • PHP
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Since Symfony 2.2 Console component implement his own progress status: http://symfony.com/blog/new-in-symfony-2-2-better-interaction-from-the-console, (*1)


Progressr is an helper to see evolution in commands that used Symfony2 Console component. You can display evolution information or a progress bar, (*2)


The best way to install progressr is to use [composer][1]., (*3)



Once installed you have an Helper and an Iterator, you can choose how you want to use progressr. You can display informations manually:, (*4)

``` php <?php, (*5)

use Progressr\Console\Helper\Progress;, (*6)

class FooCommand extends ContainerAwareCommand {, (*7)

protected function execute(InputInterface $input, OutputInterface $output)
    $progress = new Progress($output, 10);

    foreach (range(1, 10) as $value) {

        // Will display "Current status: x/100 x%"


}, (*8)

If your command is in multiple step you can manually set the current position. ``` php <?php $progress = new Progress($output, 4); $progress->setCurrent(1)->display('Step1:'); // Display "Step1: 1/4 25%" $progress->setCurrent(2)->display('Step2:'); // Display "Step2: 2/4 50%" $progress->setCurrent(3)->display('Step3:'); // Display "Step3: 3/4 75%" $progress->setCurrent(4)->display('Final step:'); // Display "Final step: 4/4 100%" and add new line

You can also display a progress bar., (*9)

``` php <?php $progress = new Progress($output, 4, Progress::FLAG_BAR); $progress->setCurrent(1)->display(); // Display "[===== ] 1/4 25%", (*10)

You can also display a timer. ``` php <?php $progress = new Progress($output, 4, Progress::FLAG_TIMER); $progress->setCurrent(1)->display(); // Display "15min 25sec"

Of course you can mix all together like this:, (*11)

``` php <?php $progress = new Progress($output, 4, Progress::FLAG_TIMER | Progress::FLAG_BAR | Progress::FLAG_INFO); $progress->setCurrent(1)->display('my message:'); // Display "my message: [===== ] 15min 25sec 1/4 25%", (*12)

You can't redefine display order message always first, then progress bar, time elapsed and info. All of this are only informative stuff, I consider that one does not care for display order. ### Iterator Progressr can be used with an iterator that will display informations automatically. ``` php <?php $array = range(1, 100); $iterator = new ProgressIterator($output, $array, Progress::FLAG_BAR | Progress::FLAG_INFO, 'my message:'); foreach ($iterator as $value) { // Do stuff // Progressr: Automatic display }

The Versions

19/02 2013



Helper for progress status in Symfony2 console component

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console symfony2