2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle graphql-files-bundle

Library to implement images and file upload to GraphQL API



Library to implement images and file upload to GraphQL API

  • Monday, August 7, 2017
  • by portey
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GraphQL Files Bundle

Symfony bundle for easy implementation images and files to your GraphQL API (bundle with GraphQL implementation and its documentation is here). Bundle provides UploadImageMutation: ``` graphql mutation { uploadImage(field: "file") { id url fileName mimeType extension size resized(width: 100, height: 100, mode: INSET) { url } } }, (*1)

Mutation assumes that request content-type is `multipart/form-data` and include image data in field that is passed as argument `field`. Upload file mutation: ``` graphql mutation { uploadFile(field: "file") { id url fileName mimeType extension size } }

Also bundle provides ImageField to use in your API like this: ``` graphql { me { id firstName lastName image { // image field from bundle url resized(width: 100, height: 100, mode: INSET) { url } } } }, (*2)

or you can add arguments directly to the image field for your convenience.
``` graphql
  me {
    small: image(width: 100, height: 100, mode: INSET) { // resized directly
    medium: image(width: 500, height: 300, mode: OUTBOUND) { // different mode
    fullSize: image {

How to use

1. Installation:

composer require youshido/graphql-files-bundle, (*3)

2. Configuration:

2.1 Enable bundle in your AppKernel.php:

``` php $bundles[] = new Youshido\GraphQLFilesBundle\GraphQLFilesBundle(), (*4)

#### 2.2. Add new routing in `routing.yml`: ``` yaml graphql_file.image_resizer: resource: "@GraphQLFilesBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"

2.3. Configurate bundle in config.yml

This is full configuration and by default are not needed: ``` yaml graph_ql_files: image_driver: gd #imagine driver, can be gd, imagick or gmagick storage: local #or s3 platform: orm #or odm local: #config for local storage web_root: "%kernel.root_dir%/../web" path_prefix: "uploads" s3: #config for s3 storage client: ~ #s3 client service bucket: ~
directory: '' models: image_validation_model: Youshido\GraphQLFilesBundle\Model\Validation\ImageValidationModel file_validation_model: Youshido\GraphQLFilesBundle\Model\Validation\FileValidationModel orm: image: Youshido\GraphQLFilesBundle\Entity\Image file: Youshido\GraphQLFilesBundle\Entity\File odm: image: Youshido\GraphQLFilesBundle\Document\Image file: Youshido\GraphQLFilesBundle\Document\File, (*5)

### 3. Set-up GraphQL schema: #### 3.1 Add `UploadImageMutation` to your `MutationType`: ```php <?php use Youshido\GraphQLFilesBundle\GraphQL\Field\UploadBase64ImageField; use Youshido\GraphQLFilesBundle\GraphQL\Field\UploadImageField; use Youshido\GraphQLFilesBundle\GraphQL\Field\UploadFileField; class MutationType extends AbstractObjectType { public function build($config) { $config->addFields([ // images new UploadBase64ImageField(), new UploadImageField(), // files new UploadFileField(), // other mutations ]); } }

3.2 Add image field to your type:

``` php, (*6)

use Youshido\GraphQLFilesBundle\GraphQL\Field\ImageField;, (*7)

class YourType extends AbstractObjectType {, (*8)

public function build($config)
        // your type fields

        new ImageField()

} ```, (*9)

The Versions

07/08 2017



Library to implement images and file upload to GraphQL API

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The Requires


by Portey Vasyl

api symfony upload files image resize graphql

07/08 2017


Library to implement images and file upload to GraphQL API

  Sources   Download


The Requires


by Portey Vasyl

api symfony upload files image resize graphql