9999999-devSymfony IrcBotBundle
The Requires
bundle bot irc
1.0 IrcBotBundle
The Requires
bundle bot irc
Symfony IrcBotBundle
{ "require": { "whisller/irc-bot-bundle": "*" } }
Now tell composer to download the bundle by running the command:, (*2)
``` bash $ php composer.phar update whisller/irc-bot-bundle, (*3)
Composer will install the bundle to your project's `vendor/whisller` directory. ### Step 2: Enable the bundle Enable the bundle in the kernel: ```php <?php // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Whisnet\IrcBotBundle\WhisnetIrcBotBundle(), ); }
Basic configuration:, (*4)
whisnet_irc_bot: user: ~ channels: ["#test-irc"]
Advanced configuration:, (*5)
whisnet_irc_bot: connection_class: Whisnet\IrcBotBundle\Connection\Socket host: port: 6667 command_prefix: !bot user: username: IrcBotBunle mode: 8 servername: IrcBotBundle channels: ["#test-irc", "#test-other-irc"]
``` bash $ php app/console irc:launch, (*6)
## Write your own bot's command. 1. Write listener 2. Register your listener 3. Use your command When you want to write your own command it is really simple, because IrcBotBundle is working on Event Dispatcher. So one thing you need to do is catch command event, and handle it. Best way to learn something is to see how does it work. So lets write simple command, which will be saying "Hi {user}!" ### Step 1: Write listener ```php <?php namespace Acme\EventListener; use Whisnet\IrcBotBundle\EventListener\Plugins\Commands\CommandListener; use Whisnet\IrcBotBundle\Event\BotCommandFoundEvent; class HelloListener extends CommandListener { public function onCommand(BotCommandFoundEvent $event) { // get list of arguments passed after command $args = $event->getArguments(); $msg = 'Hi, '.(isset($args[0]) ? $args[0] : 'nobody').' !'; // write to the current channel $this->sendMessage(array($event->getChannel()), $msg); } }
<service id="whisnet_irc_bot.bot_command_hello_listener" class="Acme\EventListener\HelloListener"> <tag name="whisnet_irc_bot.bot_command" command="hello" help="Say hello to user" arguments="(username)"/> <tag name="kernel.event_listener" event="whisnet_irc_bot.bot_command_hello" method="onCommand"/> </service>
As you can see event name is "whisnet_irc_bot.bot_command_hello", bundle is listening on PRIVMSG message from server, then searching in it for string defined in "whisnet_irc_bot.command_prefix"., (*7)
If the "whisnet_irc_bot.command_prefix" string gonna by found, then bundle is trying to parse everything after it to read command name and arguments for pass to "BotCommandFoundEvent"., (*8)
E.g. "!bot hello whisller" will be parsed as:, (*9)
And then it trigger an event "whisnet_irc_bot.bot_command_hello"., (*10)
!bot hello whisller
This event is triggered after connection to the server is established. The example of use this event you can find in Whisnet\IrcBotBundle\EventListener\Plugins\Core\LoadUserCoreListener class., (*11)
Bundle is triggering events based on server messages. E.g., (*12)
whisnet_irc_bot.irc_command_PRIVMSG whisnet_irc_bot.irc_command_MODE whisnet_irc_bot.irc_command_372 whisnet_irc_bot.irc_command_NOTICE whisnet_irc_bot.irc_command_391
and so on., (*13)
The event name is really simple, it is based on prefix "whisnet_irc_bot.irc_command_" and a type of message sent by server, e.g. "PRIVMSG". So you can listen on all events sent by server to make your own extends of bundle., (*14)
All list of commands you can find on, (*15)
If Whisnet\IrcBotBundle\EventListener\Irc\Messages\PrivMsgListener::onData decide that message wrote on channel are a irc bot command then it trigger an event "whisnet_irc_bot.bot_command_COMMANDNAME" e.g. whisnet_irc_bot.bot_command_time, whisnet_irc_bot.bot_command_seen., (*16)
Symfony IrcBotBundle
bundle bot irc
Symfony IrcBotBundle
bundle bot irc