Sylius Location Bundle
This bundle adds location (shops, offices, ...) functionality to Sylius e-commerce platform. Locations are translatable,
and can have their own images. Frontend has a listing of all locations, a simple search, detailed location view with
images and Google Maps support on both pages., (*1)
require the bundle with Composer:, (*2)
$ composer require webburza/sylius-location-bundle
enable the bundle in app/AppKernel.php
:, (*3)
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = [
// ...
new \Webburza\Sylius\LocationBundle\WebburzaSyliusLocationBundle(),
// ...
add configuration to the top of app/config/config.yml
:, (*4)
- { resource: "@WebburzaSyliusLocationBundle/Resources/config/config.yml" }
Among other things, this provides configuration entries which can then be overriden
in your app's config.yml., (*5)
google_maps_enabled: false
google_maps_key: 1234567890
register routes in app/config/routing.yml
, (*6)
resource: "@WebburzaSyliusLocationBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
resource: "@WebburzaSyliusLocationBundle/Resources/config/routingFront.yml"
prefix: /location
As you can see, there are two groups of routes, the main resource (administration)
routes and frontend routes., (*7)
The bundle should now be fully integrated, but it still requires
database tables to be created. For this, we recommend using migrations., (*8)
$ bin/console doctrine:migrations:diff
$ bin/console doctrine:migrations:migrate
Or if you don't use migrations, you can update the database schema directly., (*9)
$ bin/console doctrine:schema:update
By default, there will be no location types defined. You should create and translate
the location types that you need and create locations that use those types., (*10)
Translations and naming
The bundle has multilingual support, and language files can be
overridden as with any other bundle, by creating translation files in the
directory., (*11)
To get started, check the bundle's main language file in:
Resources/translations/messages.en.yml, (*12)
This bundle is available under the MIT license., (*13)