This Bundle provides a Symfony2 password encoder service that uses scrypt for password encoding., (*1)
, (*2)
Why you should use scrypt
The scrypt key derivation function is designed to be far more secure against hardware brute-force attacks than alternative functions such as PBKDF2 or bcrypt., (*3)
, (*4)
The designers of scrypt estimate that on modern (2009) hardware, if 5 seconds are spent computing a derived key, the cost of a hardware brute-force attack against scrypt is roughly 4000 times greater than the cost of a similar attack against bcrypt (to find the same password), and 20000 times greater than a similar attack against PBKDF2., (*5)
But I'm already using Bcrypt!, (*6)
Add this to your composer.json:, (*7)
``` json
"require": {
"usu/scrypt-password-encoder-bundle": "dev-master"
}, (*8)
Then run:
``` bash
$ composer update usu/scrypt-password-encoder-bundle
Add the bundle in app/AppKernel.php
:, (*9)
``` php
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Usu\ScryptPasswordEncoderBundle\UsuScryptPasswordEncoderBundle(),
);, (*10)
And, finally, set the encoder in `app/config/security.yml`:
id: security.encoder.scrypt
Or, if you are using the excellent `FOSUserBundle`:
id: security.encoder.scrypt
You can change the default bundle values (shown below) by adding the following to your `config.yml` file:
cpu_cost: 2048
memory_cost: 4
parallelization_cost: 1
key_length: 64
Changing any of the above parameters will result in a different key (auto updating of old passwords is not currently supported).
The parameter `key_length` determines the size in bytes of the derived key; eg: a 64 bytes key will result in a 88 characters string after the automatic base64_encode.
Please refer to the [original documentation]( for additional informnation.
This bundle is fully tested with PHPUnit.
Go to the root folder, install the dev dependencies with composer, and then run the phpunit test suite
``` bash
$ composer --dev install
$ ./vendor/bin/phpunit
This bundle is released under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle:, (*11)
I would like to thank elnur for creating the great ElnurBlowfishPasswordEncoderBundle
that inspired me to release this and pbhogan from which I borrowed the "Why you should use scrypt" readme section., (*12)