2017 © Pedro Peláez

symfony-bundle payment-bundle

Symfony 3 bundle integrate Stripe's and PayPal SDK into a Symfony project



Symfony 3 bundle integrate Stripe's and PayPal SDK into a Symfony project

  • Thursday, September 14, 2017
  • by praesyx
  • Repository
  • 2 Watchers
  • 1 Stars
  • 185 Installations
  • PHP
  • 0 Dependents
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  • 0 Open issues
  • 1 Versions
  • 0 % Grown


UniCenter Payment Bundle


To install this bundle, run the command below and you will get the latest version from [Packagist][3]., (*1)

``` bash composer require stripe/stripe-php ~3.23, (*2)

``` bash composer require uc/payment-bundle dev-master

Load required bundles in AppKernel.php:, (*3)

``` php // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // [...] new Uc\PaymentBundle\UcPaymentBundle(), ); }, (*4)

And set-up the required configuration ``` yaml # app/config/config.yml uc_payment: stripe: app_id: '%uc_payment_stripe_app_id%' The Stripe app id key can be added as a symfony parameter app_secret: '%uc_payment_stripe_app_secret%' The Stripe secret key can be added as a symfony parameter public_key: '%uc_payment_stripe_public_key%' The Stripe public key can be added as a symfony parameter paypal: client_id: '%uc_payment_paypal_client_id%' The PayPal cleint id key can be added as a symfony parameter secret: '%uc_payment_paypal_secret%' The PayPal secret key can be added as a symfony parameter
Create a charge (to a platform, or a connected Stripe account)

``` php /** * $chargeAmount (int) : The charge amount in cents, for instance 1000 for 10.00 (of the currency) * $chargeCurrency (string) : The charge currency (for instance, "eur") * $paymentToken (string) : The payment token obtained using the Stripe.js library * $applicationFee (int) : The amount of the application fee (in cents), default to 0 * $chargeDescription (string) : (optional) The charge description for the customer */ $stripeClient->createCharge($chargeAmount, $chargeCurrency, $paymentToken, $applicationFee, $chargeDescription);, (*5)

###### Refund a Charge ``` php /** * $chargeId (string) : The Stripe charge ID (returned by Stripe when you create a charge) * $refundAmount (int) : The charge amount in cents (if null, the whole charge amount will be refunded) * $metadata (array) : additional informations about the refund, default [] * $reason (string) : The reason of the refund, either "requested_by_customer", "duplicate" or "fraudulent" * $refundApplicationFee (bool) : Wether the application_fee should be refunded aswell, default true * $reverseTransfer (bool) : Wether the transfer should be reversed (when using Stripe Connect "destination" parameter on charge creation), default false */ $stripeClient->refundCharge($chargeId, $refundAmount, $metadata, $reason, $refundApplicationFee, $reverseTransfer);

The Versions

14/09 2017


9999999-dev https://github.com/Praesyx/uc_payment-bundle

Symfony 3 bundle integrate Stripe's and PayPal SDK into a Symfony project

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