Document Downloader Bundle
A quick, lazy, and somewhat useless bundle to provide a quicker way to produce links to a static pdf document while providing some minor security., (*1)
First add the project to your Symfony project's composer.json, which can be done via the command line like the following., (*2)
$ composer require tyhand/document-downloader-bundle "~0.1"
Next, add the bundle to your project's AppKernel.php in the register bundles method., (*3)
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ... The other bundles
new TyHand\DocumentDownloaderBundle\TyHandDocumentDownloaderBundle()
Next, since this bundle has a controller action, you need to include the bundle's routing file into the project's main routing file., (*4)
# app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@TyHandDocumentDownloaderBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /documents
# prefix can be whatever you need it to be
Finally, the bundle needs a path to the file containing the list of documents. By default the bundle will look for it at app/config/file_list.yml. If you desire the document list file to be there then installation of the bundle is complete; However, if you need the file list to be elsewhere you add a config option to change the location such as the following., (*5)
# app/config/config.yml
file_list: /path/relative/to/the/app/folder.yml
To create a link to a static document, first add the document to the file list yaml., (*6)
# file_list.yml
path: ../Resources/MyPDF.pdf
Then in the twig file where you want to have a link to the document use the twig function provided in the bundle to create something along the lines of the following., (*7)
<a target="_blank" href="{{ tyhand_docdownloader_url('my_pdf') }}">My PDF</a>
Restricting By Roles
There are two ways to restrict by roles, 'allow' and 'deny'. Allow sets a list of roles that a user needs at least one of to retrieve the document; Whereas Deny sets a list of roles that if the user has any of them then they cannot retrieve the document., (*8)
For example, if given the following example config:, (*9)
# file_list.yml
path: ../Resources/MyPDF.pdf
path: ../Resources/SupervisorNotice.pdf
A user with the roles ['ROLE_USER', 'ROLE_SUPERVISOR'] can view both documents, but a user with the roles ['ROLE_USER'] can only view the my_pdf document. If the link to supervisor_notice was somehow visible to the user without the supervisor role, a 403 will be returned if they try to retrieve it., (*10)
Another example this time for deny:, (*11)
# file_list.yml
path: ../Resources/donotlookatthis.pdf
In this case any user with 'ROLE_SUPERVISOR' cannot view the document., (*12)
Currently the 'allow' option and the 'deny' option cannot be used at the same time for a single file., (*13)