Twitter login and other functionalities
Welcome to our brand new Twitter Bundle. With this bundle, you can easily authenticate a user at twitter so your Symfony 2.8 or 3.* application can read and tweet on user's behalf with their authorization., (*1)
This project is still at alpha, but we are going to improve its functionality and documentation soon enough., (*2)
composer require trendix/twitter-bundle
, look at TwitterController:twitterLogin).$bundles = array( new Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\FrameworkBundle(), ... new Trendix\TwitterBundle\TrendixTwitterBundle(), );
trendix_twitter: resource: "@TrendixTwitterBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /
parameters: ... secret: ThisTokenIsNotSoSecretChangeIt twitter_consumer: '' # Consumer Key (API Key) twitter_consumer_secret: '' # Consumer Secret (API Secret) twitter_access_token: '' # Access Token twitter_access_token_secret: '' # Access Token Secret twitter_salt: '' # Used for security. Just put a phrase or any string and don't tell it to anyone else.
Just follow our DefaultController:test example. Just include our twitter_widget and twitter_includes in your template and it should be ready to work., (*3)
You can always use your own css to overwrite its style, (*4)
Using our controllers as an example, you can easily change the twig template, css, js or even do completely different controllers. The TwitterAPI class is the center of the twitter behaviour, so you can use only that if you want :D, (*5)
Our bundle uses the jquery.cookie plugin to store the user token data so the browser can keep their session when refreshing or changing pages. Disabling this feature is not recommended, but if you work at the EU, yo have to state your Cookies Policy and request the user for their consent before using these cookies., (*6)
We recommend using in order to avoid any legal issues., (*7)