Symfony2 bundle to manipulate Couchbase Documents., (*1)
, (*2)
Installing the bundle via packagist is the quickest and simplest method of installing the bundle. Here are the steps:, (*3)
Step 1: Composer require
$ php composer.phar require "toiine/couchbasebundle":"dev-master"
Step 2: Enable the bundle in the kernel
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Toiine\CouchbaseBundle\ToiineCouchbaseBundle(),
// ...
There is a sample configuration file in Resources/config/couchbase.yml.dist, (*4)
# default is "localhost"
# host:
# default is 8091
# port:
username: admin
password: admin
bucket: default
host: couchbase.tld
port: 8092
username: couchbase
password: cOuchb4s3
bucket: bucket2
A compiler pass will generate services according to the configuration file, (*5)
php app/console container:debug | grep couchbase
Service name |
Class |
toiine_couchbase.conn1 |
Couchbase |
toiine_couchbase.conn2 |
Couchbase |
You can use toiine_couchbase.<connectionName> services to manipulate you documents., (*6)
NB: documentation on other services will come soon., (*7)
namespace Acme\HelloBundle\Controller;
use Symfony\Component\HttpFoundation\Response;
class DocController
public function getDocumentAction($key)
$couchbase = $this->get('toiine_couchbase.conn1');
// Get a doc from couchbase
$doc = $couchbase->get($key);
// Push a doc to couchbase
$couchbase->set($key, $doc);
// Delete a doc from couchbase
- add a profiling panel in the web debug toolbar : see the calls and the time they took
- integrate Jms Serializer : manipulate Entities through Couchbase the same way as Doctrine EntityManager