Symfony2 Yahoo OAuth + OpenID This Bundle is a wrapper around alexandreeffetb/yos-social-php5, (*1)
Progress Sheet
- This is under construction so Don't use it or at least Debug it first!
- Yahoo does answer OAuth requests from Localhost but It doesn't answer OAuth+OpenID requests
alexandreeffetb/yos-social-php5 uses:
curl_setopt($ch, CURLOPT_FOLLOWLOCATION, true);
in the alexandreeffetb\yos-social-php5\lib\Yahoo\YahooCurl.php
line 112 and some of shared servers have problem with this!so you should comment it probably or ..., (*2)
alexandreeffetb/yos-social-php5, (*3)
Use Composer to get the repository
first go to alexandreeffetb/yos-social-php5 and install it!, (*4)
$ composer require TehranCode/YahooApiBundle
Setting up the bundle
A) Enable the bundles in the kernel:, (*5)
// app/AppKernel.php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new TehranCode\YahooApiBundle\TehranCodeYahooApiBundle(),
B) Configure the TehranCodeYahooApiBundle, (*6)
// app/config/config.yml
application_id: %Your_Application_ID%
consumer_key: %Your_Application_consumer_key%
consumer_secret: %Your_Application_consumer_secret%
callback_url: %Your_Application_callback_url%
How to Use Bundle
use the 'TehranCode.Yahoo.OAuth.Application' service to make the URL, (*7)
$YahooService = $this->get('TehranCode.Yahoo.OAuth.Application');
$callback = %Your_Application_callback_url%;
# Fetch request token
$request_token = $YahooService->getRequestToken($callback);
$session = $request->getSession();
$session->set('request_token_key', $request_token->key);
$session->set('request_token_secret', $request_token->secret);
# Redirect user to authorization URL
$redirect_url = $YahooService->getAuthorizationUrl($request_token);
when user click above URL goes to yahoo and callback to route function:, (*8)
$YahooService = $this->get('TehranCode.Yahoo.OAuth.Application');
$session = $request->getSession();
$request_token = new \OAuthToken($session->get('request_token_key'), $session->get('request_token_secret'));
# Exchange request token for authorized access token
$access_token = $YahooService->getAccessToken($request_token, $_REQUEST['oauth_verifier']);
# update access token
# fetch user profile
$Profile = $YahooService->getProfile();
# fetch user Contacts
$Contacts = $YahooService->getContacts();
yahoo does not return user email with simple OAuth and you need to use OAuth + OpenID to get it
use the 'TehranCode.Yahoo.OAuth.Application' service to make the URL, (*9)
$YahooService = $this->get('TehranCode.Yahoo.OAuth.Application');
$callback = %Your_Application_callback_url%;
$OpenIDUrl = $YahooService->getOpenIDUrl($callback);
callback route function:, (*10)
$YahooService = $this->get('TehranCode.Yahoo.OAuth.Application');
if($_REQUEST['openid_mode'] == 'id_res')
// validate claimed open id
// extract approved request token from open id response
$request_token = new \YahooOAuthRequestToken($_REQUEST['openid_oauth_request_token'], '');
// exchange request token for access token
$access_token = $YahooService->getAccessToken($request_token);
$Contacts = $YahooService->getContacts();
$Profile = $YahooService->getProfile();
//You can access OpenID response
//You can also access OAuth response