2017 © Pedro PelĂĄez

symfony-bundle multi-tenancy-bundle

A multi tenancy bundle for symfony 2 apps



A multi tenancy bundle for symfony 2 apps

  • Tuesday, June 7, 2016
  • by syonix
  • Repository
  • 2 Watchers
  • 0 Stars
  • 0 Installations
  • PHP
  • 0 Dependents
  • 0 Suggesters
  • 11 Forks
  • 0 Open issues
  • 4 Versions
  • 0 % Grown



SensioLabsInsight, (*1)

Scrutinizer Code Quality, (*2)

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Download MultiTenancyBundle using composer

Add MultiTenancy by running the command:, (*5)

``` bash $ php composer.phar require "tahoelimited/multi-tenancy-bundle": "dev-master", (*6)

Composer will install the bundle to your project's `vendor/tahoelimited` directory. ### Enable the bundle Enable the bundle in the kernel: ``` php <?php // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Tahoe\Bundle\MultiTenancyBundle\TahoeMultiTenancyBundle(), ); }

Configure the bundle

Add the following settings to your config.yml, you must preserve existing values, don't just overwrite an entire doctrine, (*7)

parameters.yml, (*8)

``` yml parameters: tahoe_multi_tenancy.user.class: Tahoe\ExampleBundle\Entity\User tahoe_multi_tenancy.tenant.class: Tahoe\ExampleBundle\Entity\Tenant domain: yourdomain.com, (*9)

config.yml ``` yml doctrine: orm: resolve_target_entities: Tahoe\Bundle\MultiTenancyBundle\Model\MultiTenantUserInterface: %tahoe_multi_tenancy.user.class% Tahoe\Bundle\MultiTenancyBundle\Model\MultiTenantTenantInterface: %tahoe_multi_tenancy.tenant.class% entity_managers: default: filters: tenantAware: class: Tahoe\Bundle\MultiTenancyBundle\Query\Filter\SQLFilter\TenantAwareFilter enabled: true fos_user: registration: form: type: tahoe_multitenancy_user_registration tahoe_multi_tenancy: subdomain_strategy: tenant_aware # one of tenant_aware or fixed account_prefix: YOUR_ACCOUNT_PREFIX # optional, if you want to override the registration subscriber registration_subscriber: class: Your\Full\Domain\Class manager: your.manager.service # if you need a manager in the subscriber gateways: # for the moment, only recurly is supported recurly: subdomain: your-subdomain private_key: YOUR_PRIVATE_KEY plan_name: YOUR_PLAN_NAME

If you use the tenant_aware subdomain strategy, your tenant's will get access to the APP through a subdomain they choose. If, in the contrary, you choose fixed, all tenant will access through the same endpoint, and tenant will be stored agains the logged in user (instead of being resolved by the subdomain)., (*10)

Note: you can use your own form type along with the registration_subscriber to get a more powerful behaviour., (*11)

routing.yml, (*12)

``` yml tahoe_multi_tenancy: resource: "@TahoeMultiTenancyBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml" prefix: /, (*13)

### Create your own tenant entity You must create Tenant entity inside your bundle that extends one provided with the bundle. For example, something like this: ``` php <?php namespace Tahoe\ExampleBundle\Entity; use Tahoe\Bundle\MultiTenancyBundle\Entity\Tenant as BaseTenant; use Tahoe\Bundle\MultiTenancyBundle\Model\MultiTenantTenantInterface; class Tenant extends BaseTenant implements MultiTenantTenantInterface { // your custom properties and methods }

``` yml, (*14)

file is extending base tenant from multi tenancy bundle

Tahoe\ExampleBundle\Entity\Tenant: type: entity table: th_ex_tenant fields: # your custom fields, (*15)

### Update your existing user entity. > Note: MultiTenancyBundle requires FOSUSERBundle. ``` php <?php namespace Tahoe\ExampleBundle\Entity; use FOS\UserBundle\Model\User as BaseUser; use Tahoe\Bundle\MultiTenancyBundle\Model\MultiTenantUserInterface; class User extends BaseUser implements MultiTenantUserInterface { protected $id; protected $activeTenant; public function __construct() { parent::__construct(); } /** * @return mixed */ public function getId() { return $this->id; } /** * @return mixed */ public function getActiveTenant() { return $this->activeTenant; } /** * @param mixed $activeTenant * * @return $this */ public function setActiveTenant($activeTenant) { $this->activeTenant = $activeTenant; return $this; } }

``` yml Tahoe\ExampleBundle\Entity\User: type: entity table: th_ex_user repositoryClass: Tahoe\ExampleBundle\Repository\UserRepository id: id: type: integer generator: strategy: AUTO, (*16)

### Making other entities tenant aware All entities that are specific to the tenant should have the following applied. Any entities that are applicable to all tenants should be left alone. ``` php <?php namespace Tahoe\ExampleBundle\Entity; use Tahoe\Bundle\MultiTenancyBundle\Model\TenantAwareInterface; use Tahoe\Bundle\MultiTenancyBundle\Model\TenantTrait; class Customer implements TenantAwareInterface { use TenantTrait; }

``` yml Tahoe\ExampleBundle\Entity\Customer: type: entity table: th_ex_customer fields: id: type: integer id: true generator: strategy: AUTO name: type: string manyToOne: tenant: targetEntity: Tenant, (*17)

### Ensure / is free / is used for redirecting to tenants, so you cannot have any routes setup with just / ### Using the bundle services You can make use the services that this bundle provide to get the tenant that is connected. When using the command line with this bundle, you may find that the `tenantId` is not set. In order to avoid this error, you need to set the Tenant you want to work with manually, by calling the `overrideTenant` from the `TenantResolver` class. ``` php $this->getContainer()->get('tahoe.multi_tenancy.tenant_resolver')->overrideTenant($tenant);

The Versions

12/10 2014


dev-stevergill-renameorgtotenant https://github.com/tahoelimited/multi-tenancy-bundle

A multi tenancy bundle for symfony 2 apps

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The Requires


by Pablo Martelletti
by Steve Gill

user tenant tenancy