Symple Initializable Controller
The Symple Initializable Controller Bundle permits initialization of Symfony controllers before invocation of action methods., (*1)
Content:, (*2)
, (*3)
, (*4)
The suggested installation method is via composer:, (*5)
``` sh
php composer.phar require symple-dev/init-controller-bundle:1.0.*, (*6)
<a name="config"></a>
## Configuration
You can enable or disable **Symple Initializable Controller** in app/config.yml (default enabled):
``` yaml
enabled: true
, (*7)
, (*8)
Initializable Controller Interface
Implement the interface Symple\Bundle\InitControllerBundle\Controller\InitControllerInterface in your Controller., (*9)
``` php
namespace Controller;, (*10)
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symple\Bundle\InitControllerBundle\Controller\InitControllerInterface;, (*11)
class MyController extends Controller implements InitControllerInterface
// ...
}, (*12)
<a name="usage-annotation"></a>
### Init Annotation
The annotation **@Symple\Bundle\InitControllerBundle\Annotation\Init** tells that this method should be invoked before some action method (on _kernel.controller_ event).
Available configuration options:
- **priority** - integer value for invocation ordering (the greatest will be first), default 0
- **args** - array of method arguments (optional)
**Note:** that **@Init** annotation can be applied to public methods only.
``` php
namespace Controller;
use Symfony\Bundle\FrameworkBundle\Controller\Controller;
use Symple\Bundle\InitControllerBundle\Annotation\Init;
use Symple\Bundle\InitControllerBundle\Controller\InitControllerInterface;
class MyController extends Controller implements InitControllerInterface
* @Init(priority = 200)
public function initialize1()
// do something
* @Init(priority = 100, args = {123, true})
public function initialize2($int, $bool = false)
// do something
public function indexAction()
// ...
In this example following methods will be invoked before indexAction (or another action method):, (*13)
initialize2(123, true);
You can apply multiple @Init annotations to the same method., (*14)