Cinhetic Project
, (*1)
Welcome to the Cinhetic Project - a fully-functional application built in Symfony2
framework to learn this framework in 360° that you can use to handle cinematographic world!, (*2)
Roadmap: Handle movies, categories of movies, tags of movies, actors, directors, cinemas, sessions, users, comments..., (*3)
In some words: Minimalist features, Collaborative solution, Pragmatic and Responsive project, (*4)
Demo, (*5)
Login: demo
Mdp: demo
Web App on Google Play, (*6)
Documentation, (*7)
Documentation for training, (*8)
- PHP >=5.3.3
- PHPUnit ~ 3.7
- Elastic Search running
- PECL hash >= 1.1
- Curl module enabled
- Fileinfo module
- openssl enabled
, (*9)
1) Installing the Cinhetic Standard Edition
When it comes to installing the Cinhetic Project, you have the
following options., (*10)
Use Composer (recommended)
As Symfony uses Composer to manage its dependencies, the recommended way
to create a new project is to use it., (*11)
If you don't have Composer yet, download it following the instructions on or just run the following command:, (*12)
curl -s | php
Then, use the install from Composer:, (*13)
php composer.phar install
Add the deps for the needed bundles
``` php
target=/bundles/cinhetic/, (*14)
Or add CinheticPublicBundle in your composer.json
"require": {
"symfomany/cinhetic": "*"
If you don't have Composer yet, download it following the instructions on or just run the following command:, (*15)
curl -s | php
Next, run the vendors script to download the bundles:, (*16)
``` bash
$ php bin/vendors install, (*17)
### Add to autoload.php
``` php
'Cinhetic' => __DIR__.'/../vendor/bundles',
// ...
Register CinheticPublicBundle to Kernel
``` php
<?php, (*18)
# app/AppKernel.php
$bundles = array(
new Cinhetic\Public\CinheticPublicBundle(),
### Create database and schema
``` bash
$ php app/console doctrine:database:create
$ php app/console doctrine:schema:create
Enable routing
``` yaml, (*19)
resource: "@CinheticPublicBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml", (*20)
Send Email in localhost
### Add configure in parameters for send email in localhost
``` parameters.yml
mailer_transport: smtp
mailer_password: xxxxxxx
``` config.yml
transport: gmail
username: "%mailer_user%"
password: "%mailer_password%"
spool: { type: memory }, (*21)
And execute command line like:
php app/console cinhetic:email nom="Boyer Julien" message="Hello Ju!"
php app/console swiftmailer:email:send
### Refresh assets
``` bash
$ php app/console assets:install web/
Installation of Elastic Search
``` bash
cd ~
sudo apt-get update
sudo apt-get install openjdk-7-jre-headless -y, (*22)
### Check for latest version of ElasticSearch and replace wget link below, (*23)
sudo dpkg -i elasticsearch-1.1.0.deb, (*24)
tar -xf elasticsearch-1.1.0.tar.gz
rm elasticsearch-1.1.0.tar.gz
sudo mv elasticsearch-* elasticsearch
sudo mv elasticsearch /usr/local/share, (*25)
curl -L | tar -xz
sudo mv servicewrapper/service /usr/local/share/elasticsearch/bin/
rm -Rf servicewrapper
sudo /usr/local/share/elasticsearch/bin/service/elasticsearch install
sudo ln -s readlink -f /usr/local/share/elasticsearch/bin/service/elasticsearch
/usr/local/bin/rcelasticsearch, (*26)
sudo service elasticsearch start
#curl http://localhost:9200, (*27)
### Data fixtures (optional)
First, make sure that your db parameters are correctly set in `app/config/parameters.ini`.
You'll need to install ``Doctrine Data Fixtures`` (don't forget to add the
path to `AppKernel.php`) and then run:
``` bash
$ php app/console doctrine:fixtures:load
Run Tests Codeception
``` bash
bin/codecept run --html --colors --report --steps, (*28)
Optional Requirements
* Mongo DB
* Elastic Search
* Node JS
* Composer
* Symfony 2
OAuth Settings
``` yaml
api_facebook_id: 552592408160039
api_facebook_secret: befaf20ca0324ef67028b564463f4ccc
api_github_id: d616a3183b8a888fc5b2
api_github_secret: ba618f8086b8e9122447f7c7137c363eb0609d6c
api_twitter_id: LWKDRPmFymEBsGnyolmA
api_twitter_secret: dZfqT6cFM4kXun2KLMirwIvWmFSfQEhmdHkTlxqA0
api_twitter_access_token: 28117848-WewxolTGfO10lh66A7fnLmfwSgybPmJXpuqbprcWR
api_twitter_access_token_secret: gxZ5lUkVlIljVwVJZXn0rnIDD1mGn8UZKQnpCVBRc
api_google_secret: yx0iBnIfoYTDIq5eQJPvy7N8
scope: ""
api_linkedin_id: 759ytfqzaixtxo
api_linkedin_secret: mLsefActr5mB4wlK
api_flickr_id: 1011e1627b76b4d8e1e64686f1814aa3
api_flickr_secret: 064a7c31c78a75c2
Chapters covered in project
- Installation & Configuration of Symfony2 Framework
- Multi-syntax in Yaml, Xml, PHP
- ClassLoader & PSR-0 & Composer Component
- Installation third bundles like FOSUserBundle, KNPPaginator...
- Routing layer
- Doctrine ORM & DQL
- Add Listener in security layer
- Use configuration variables in YAML
- Console CLI Generators & configuration
- Use Assetic to handle ressources
- Inheritance between bundles to override some behaviors
- Override layout's form and his blocks
- Expose a Semantic Configuration of Bundle
- View: Twig Engine with inheritance, including, rendering, filters...
- Controllers: CRUD, Bind with Form/Entity, Entity Manager, HTTP Methods, Request object, Flash Message, services, redirection/forward
- Models: Annotations, Relationship (1:1;,1:n;n:m), Repositories, DQL
- Form: Types of fields, Dependancies with Model, Validations
- Refactoring code in Controllers & Repository with DRY Philosophy
- API Rest using Allocine V3 with Guzzle HTTP Framework
- Add custom command with console component
- Use SwiftMailer to send test email
- Add service with Service Container
- Implement payment solution in bundle
- Upload image in entity with Imagine library
- Use global variables in twig
- Add Twig extensions
- Custom AST walkers for Doctrine ORM
- Embed form with Medias Videos for Movies (use Essence to display movies)
- Add Provider & Bridges to firewall security & services
- OAuth 2.0 protocol across social networks
- Tree behavior in Categories Entity
- Add Managers to handle actions in service with Controllers
- Add Listener to kernel event listener
- Read Rss and populate the database
- Webservices Factory to handle Youtube, Twitter, Flickr & Thumbr APIs
- Custom 404 & 500 errors page
- Youtube API in OAuth
- Search Engine Movies
- Top Rated Movies
- Page Movie with complete description
- Visibility on Movies and cover action in homepage
- Pagination for results with "KNPPaginatorBundles"
- Datas Fixtures with "Doctrine Fixtures"
- Upload File Image in Movies/Actors/Directors with Imagine library for thumb
- Homepage with custom template by Bootsrapp Twitter
- Form & Repositories in services
- Add authentification & firewall administration for user connected with "FOSUserBundle"
- Rest API for Movies(CRUD) & Categories & Author & Directors with FOSRestBundle
- Page Category to list all movies related
- Page Tag to list movies related by keywords
- Page My Account related my informations
- View all comments by movies
- Add favorites movies in session
- Add optional node layers ( for comment
- Categories & Tags in cloud keywords
- Trailers of movies in slideshow
- Search engine in elastic search engine
- Comments by movies with forms
- API Rest using Allocine V3 with Guzzle HTTP Framework
- Ajax Search instant with Allocine API
- Add Email Decorator in service
- Semantic Configuration of Bundle
- Test environment for Unit & Fct Test
- Add Pre-Order for Movies in Paybox with LexikPayboxBundle
- Embed form with Medias Videos use Essence for display
- Webapp released on Google Play
- Cross connect via Oauth 2.0
- Tree nested in entities
- Handle controllers ith Managers
- Add Prexecute method in controller by listener
- Last activity of users
- RSS Reader and populating with Eko\RssBundle
- Webservices called in service Youtube, Thumbr, Flickr & Twitter
- Custom execeptions & errors page
- Breadscrumb in controllers/views
- Youtube API in OAuth
- Mongo for notifications & private message
- Store sessions in database
- Implement Angular JS Binding MMVC
- Node layer for notifications in real time
- Form & Controllers & Repositories in services
- Documentation by PHPDoc
- Advanced APIs for Mobiles Apps
- Acceptance tests with Codeception
- New design with Front-End/UX Developper @UnPetitLu