SpecShaper Encrypt Bundle
A bundle to handle encoding and decoding of parameters using OpenSSL and Doctrine lifecycle events., (*1)
Features include:
- V4 is will be Symfony 7 PHP 8.2
- V3 is Symfony 5.4|6 PHP 8. I'm moving my projects to symfony 7 so will not maintain after this v3.2.
- V2 is Symfony 5 not maintained.
- v1 is Symfony 3.4 not maintained.
- Uses OpenSSL
- Uses Lifecycle events, (*2)
Features road map:, (*3)
- [x] Create a factory method to expand for different encryptors
- [x] Create a twig function to decrypt encoded values
- [x] Expand parameters to allow selection of encoding method
- [x] Create CLI commands to encrypt and decrypt the entire database
- [ ] Handle DateTime data types via the bundle.
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle:, (*4)
EncryptBundle has been written for the Parolla Plugins and Parolla websites
to encode users private data. The bundle is expanded in a larger gdpr-bundle., (*5)
Reporting an issue or a feature request
Issues and feature requests are tracked in the Github issue tracker., (*6)
When reporting a bug, it may be a good idea to reproduce it in a basic project
built using the Symfony Standard Edition
to allow developers of the bundle to reproduce the issue by simply cloning it
and following some steps., (*7)
Step 1: Install from package
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the
following command to download the latest development version of this bundle:, (*8)
$ composer require specshaper/encrypt-bundle dev-master
This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained
in the installation chapter
of the Composer documentation., (*9)
Step 2: Enable the bundle
The receipe will create a package config file under config/packages/spec_shaper_encrypt.yaml., (*10)
If required, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles
in the config/bundles.php
file of your project:, (*11)
return [
SpecShaper\EncryptBundle\SpecShaperEncryptBundle::class => ['all' => true],
Generate a 256-bit key using the command provided in the bundle., (*12)
$ bin/console encrypt:genkey
Copy the key into your .env file., (*13)
###> encrypt-bundle ###
###< encrypt-bundle ###
Maker will have created a packages yaml file. The key is resolved in there., (*14)
# app/config/packages/spec_shaper_encrypt.yaml
encrypt_key: '%env(SPEC_SHAPER_ENCRYPT_KEY)%'
is_disabled: false # Turn this to true to disable the encryption.
connections: # Optional, define the connection name(s) for the subscriber to listen to.
- 'default'
- 'tenant'
subscriber_class: App\Subscriber\MyCustomSubscriber # Optional to override the bundle Doctrine event subscriber.
encryptor_class: App\Encryptors\MyCustomEncryptor # Optional to override the bundle OpenSslEncryptor.
annotation_classes: # Optional to override the default annotation/Attribute object.
- App\Annotation\MyAttribute
You can disable encryption by setting the 'is_disabled' option to true. Decryption still continues if any values
contain the <ENC> suffix., (*15)
You can extend the EncryptBundle default Subscriber and override its methods. Use the 'subscriber_class' option
to point the bundle at your custom subscriber., (*16)
If you want to define your own annotation/attribute, then this can be used to trigger encryption by adding the annotation
class name to the 'annotation_classes' option array., (*17)
You can pass the class name of your own encyptor service using the optional encryptorClass option., (*18)
Alternative EncryptKeyEvent
The EncryptKey can be set via a dispatched event listener, which overrides any .env or param.yml defined key.
Create a listener for the EncryptKeyEvents::LOAD_KEY event and set your encryption key at that point., (*19)
Step 3: Create the entities
Add the Encrypted attribute class within the entity., (*20)
use SpecShaper\EncryptBundle\Annotations\Encrypted;
Add the attribute #[Encrypted] to the properties you want encrypted., (*21)
Note that the legacy annotation '@Encrypted' in the parameters is deprecated and
will be discontinued in the next major update., (*22)
* A PPS number is always 7 numbers followed by either one or two letters.
* @ORM\Column(type="string")
protected string $taxNumber;
* True if the user is self employed.
* @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
protected ?bool $isSelfEmployed;
* Date of birth
* @Encrypted
* Note that the above Encrypted property is a legacy annotation, and while
* it still is supported, it will be deprecated in favour of Attributes.
* @ORM\Column(type="string", nullable=true)
protected ?String $dob;
Where encrypting a field you will need to set the column type as string., (*23)
Your getters and setters may also need to be type declared., (*24)
For example, boolean should either be return declared bool, or return a bool using a ternary method., (*25)
* Get isSelfEmployed
* @return boolean
public function isSelfEmployed(): bool
return $this->isSelfEmployed;
* Get isSelfEmployed
* @return boolean
public function isSelfEmployed(): bool
return ($this->isSelfEmployed == 1 ? true: false);
For DateTime parameters store the date as a string, and use the getters and setters
to convert that string., (*26)
You may also need to create a DataTransformer if you are using the parameter in a form
with the DateType form type., (*27)
Step 4: General Use
The bundle comes with an DoctrineEncryptSubscriber. This subscriber catches the doctrine events
onLoad, onFlush and postFlush., (*28)
The onLoad event subscriber will decrypt your entity parameter at loading. This means that your forms
and form fields will already be decrypted., (*29)
The onFlush and postFlush event subscribers will check if encryption is enabled, and encrypt the data
before entry to the database., (*30)
So, in normal CRUD operation you do not need to do anything in the controller for encrypting or decrypting
the data., (*31)
Step 5: Decrypt in services and controllers
You can of course inject the EncryptorInterface service any time into classes
either by using autowiring or defining the injection in your service definitions., (*32)
use SpecShaper\EncryptBundle\Encryptors\EncryptorInterface;
* @var SpecShaper\EncryptBundle\Encryptors\EncryptorInterface;
private $encryptor;
// Inject the Encryptor from the service container at class construction
public function __construct(EncryptorInterface $encryptor)
$this->encryptor = $encryptor;
// Inject the Encryptor in controller actions.
public function editAction(EncryptorInterface $encryptor)
// An example encrypted value, you would get this from your database query.
$encryptedValue = "3DDOXwqZAEEDPJDK8/LI4wDsftqaNCN2kkyt8+QWr8E=<ENC>";
$decrypted = $encryptor->decrypt($encryptedValue);
Or you can dispatch the EncryptEvent., (*33)
use SpecShaper\EncryptBundle\Event\EncryptEvent;
use SpecShaper\EncryptBundle\Event\EncryptEvents;
use Symfony\Component\EventDispatcher\EventDispatcherInterface;
public function indexAction(EventDispatcherInterface $dispatcher)
// An example encrypted value, you would get this from your database query.
$event = new EncryptEvent("3DDOXwqZAEEDPJDK8/LI4wDsftqaNCN2kkyt8+QWr8E=<ENC>");
$dispatcher->dispatch(EncryptEvents::DECRYPT, $event);
$decrypted = $event->getValue();
Step 5: Decrypt in templates
If you query a repository using a select with an array result
then the doctrine onLoad event subscriber will not decrypt any encrypted
values., (*34)
In this case, use the twig filter to decrypt your value when rendering., (*35)
{{ employee.bankAccountNumber | decrypt }}
You have already seen the command to generate a encryption key:, (*36)
$ bin/console encrypt:genkey
You can decrypt/encrypt the entire database using the following, (*37)
$ bin/console encrypt:database decrypt connection
The requried argument should be be decrypt or encrypt., (*38)
There is an option to define the database connection if you employ multiple connections in your application., (*39)