Currently using this bundle for payments at (https://www.parolla.ie)](https://www.parolla.ie) and (https://tools.parolla.ie)](https://tools.parolla.ie), (*1)
The SpecShaperCalendarBundle provides a calendar and appointment package for the Symfony2
framework utilising the fullcalendar jquery plugin., (*2)
Features include:, (*3)
- Written for Symfony verison 3.0.x
- Calendar entities can be stored via Doctrine ORM.
- Entities are mapped-superclasses to allow your AppBundle to add additional relationships.
- Events are generated to permit listener classes to intercept entities.
- FullCalendar jquery front end that can create, update and resize events via ajax.
- Only the calendar and events are currently implemented.
- This bundle has not been unit tested.
- It has only been running on a Symfony2 v3.0.1 project, and not backward
compatibility tested., (*4)
Features road map:, (*5)
- [x] Modal popup to create and modify events
- [x] Provide color options
- [ ] A sidebar comments summary in modal
- [ ] An optional sidebar monthly summary in main page.
- [ ] Expand the events fired
- [ ] Integrate with a mailer
Work to complete:, (*6)
- Create Managers for entities.
- Provide custom validators on forms
- Fully comment docBlocks
- Integrate comments
- Unit tests to be added
- Translation files are required for both backend and frontend
- Support for MongoDB/CouchDB ODM or Propel
The source of the documentation is stored in the Resources/doc/
in this bundle., (*7)
This bundle is under the MIT license. See the complete license in the bundle:, (*8)
CalendarBundle is a SpecShaper bundle for managing project
appointments., (*9)
It is based on the adesigns/calendar-bundle modified
and extended with additional functionality., (*10)
Reporting an issue or a feature request
Issues and feature requests are tracked in the Github issue tracker., (*11)
When reporting a bug, it may be a good idea to reproduce it in a basic project
built using the Symfony Standard Edition
to allow developers of the bundle to reproduce the issue by simply cloning it
and following some steps., (*12)
Step 1: Download the bundle
Open a command console, enter your project directory and execute the
following command to download the latest stable version of this bundle:, (*13)
$ composer require specshaper/calendar-bundle dev-master
This command requires you to have Composer installed globally, as explained
in the installation chapter
of the Composer documentation., (*14)
Step 2: Enable the bundle
Then, enable the bundle by adding it to the list of registered bundles
in the app/AppKernel.php
file of your project:, (*15)
// app/AppKernel.php
// ...
class AppKernel extends Kernel
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new SpecShaper\CalendarBundle\SpecShaperCalendarBundle(),
// ...
// ...
Step 2: Create the entities
The bundle requires entities to interact with the database and store information.
- Calendar
- CalendarEvent
- CalendarReoccurance
- CalendarAttendee
- CalendarComment, (*16)
Calendar entity
The bundle allows many calendars to be created with different properties such as:
- Local time zone
- Owner
- Other preferences, (*17)
The entity should extend the mapped superclass. You can provide any additional
entity code as required to suit your application., (*18)
* AppBundle\Entity\Calendar.php
* @copyright (c) 2016, SpecShaper - All rights reserved
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use AppBundle\Entity\CalendarEvent;
use SpecShaper\CalendarBundle\Model\Calendar as BaseCalendar;
* A calendar entity to house information on the calendar container itself.
* The class extends the model class in the SpecShaperCalendarBundle. See link.
* @link https://github.com/mogilvie/CalendarBundle/blob/master/Model/Calendar.php
* @author Mark Ogilvie <mark.ogilvie@specshaper.com>
* @ORM\Table(name="calendar_calendar")
* @ORM\Entity
class Calendar extends BaseCalendar {
// Add your own relationships and properties here...
* The events that belong in this Calendar.
* Required by SpecShaperCalendarBundle.
* @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="CalendarEvent", mappedBy="calendar")
protected $calendarEvents;
* Constructor.
* Required by SpecShaperCalendarBundle to call the parent constructor on the
* mapped superclass.
* Modify to suit your needs.
public function __construct() {
CalendarEvent entity
The CalendarEvent entity contains all the information about a particular event
or event series. Information such as:
- The time and duration of the event.
- The text content
- Any attendees
- Display properties, (*19)
The entity should extend the mapped superclass. You can provide any additional
entity code as required to suit your application., (*20)
* AppBundle\Entity\CalendarEvent.php
* @author Written by Mark Ogilvie <mark.ogilvie@specshaper.com>, 1 2016
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use AppBundle\Entity\CalendarAttendee;
use AppBundle\Entity\CalendarComment;
use AppBundle\Entity\Calendar;
use Symfony\Component\Validator\Constraints\Valid;
use SpecShaper\CalendarBundle\Model\CalendarEvent as BaseEvent;
use AppBundle\Entity\CalendarReoccurance;
* A CalendarEvent is an appointment/meeting etc belonging to a Calendar.
* Be wary of confusion between a CalendarEvent entity and a thown events.
* @link https://github.com/mogilvie/CalendarBundle/blob/master/Model/CalendarComment.php
* @author Mark Ogilvie <mark.ogilvie@specshaper.com>
* @ORM\Table(name="calendar_event")
* @ORM\Entity
class CalendarEvent extends BaseEvent
* The calendar that this event belongs in.
* Required by SpecShaperCalendarBundle.
* @ORM\ManyToMany(targetEntity="Calendar", inversedBy="calendarEvents")
protected $calendar;
* The people invited to this event.
* Required by SpecShaperCalendarBundle.
* @Valid
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="CalendarAttendee", mappedBy="calendarEvent", cascade={"persist", "remove"})
protected $calendarAttendees;
* Comments posted in response to this event.
* Required by SpecShaperCalendarBundle.
* @Valid
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="CalendarComment", mappedBy="calendarEvent", cascade={"persist", "remove"})
protected $calendarComments;
* Comments posted in response to this event.
* Required by SpecShaperCalendarBundle.
* @Valid
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="CalendarReoccurance", inversedBy="calendarEvent", cascade={"persist", "remove"})
protected $calendarReoccurance;
* Constructor.
* Required by SpecShaperCalendarBundle to call the parent constructor on the
* mapped superclass.
* Note that constructor for the arrays defined in this entity are already in the
* parent mapped superclass construct and do not need to be created here.
* Modify to suit your needs.
public function __construct()
// Add your own relationships and properties below here..
CalendarReoccurance entity
An entity that contains the reoccurance information for a series of
CalendarEvents., (*21)
* AppBundle\Entity\CalendarEvent.php
* @author Written by Mark Ogilvie <mark.ogilvie@specshaper.com>, 1 2016
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use AppBundle\Entity\CalendarAttendee;
use AppBundle\Entity\CalendarComment;
use AppBundle\Entity\Calendar;
use SpecShaper\CalendarBundle\Model\CalendarReoccurance as BaseReoccurance;
* @link https://github.com/mogilvie/CalendarBundle/blob/master/Model/CalendarComment.php
* @author Mark Ogilvie <mark.ogilvie@specshaper.com>
* @ORM\Table(name="calendar_reoccurance")
* @ORM\Entity
class CalendarReoccurance extends BaseReoccurance
* @ORM\OneToMany(targetEntity="CalendarEvent", mappedBy="calendarReoccurance")
protected $calendarEvents;
* Constructor.
* Required by SpecShaperCalendarBundle to call the parent constructor on the
* mapped superclass.
* Note that constructor for the arrays defined in this entity are already in the
* parent mapped superclass construct and do not need to be created here.
* Modify to suit your needs.
public function __construct()
// Add your own relationships and properties below here..
CalendarAttendee entity
The entity contains information about an event attendee, such as:
- The email address of the attendee.
- The invitation status, (*22)
The attendee should be modified to include a reference to your user entity if
you have one., (*23)
The entity should extend the mapped superclass. You can provide any additional
entity code as required to suit your application., (*24)
* AppBundle\Entity\CalendarAttendee.php
* @author Written by Mark Ogilvie <mark.ogilvie@specshaper.com>, 1 2016
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use AppBundle\Entity\CalendarEvent;
use SpecShaper\CalendarBundle\Model\CalendarAttendee as BaseAttendee;
* A CalendarAttendee is a entity who has been invited to a CalendarEvent.
* The class holds information relating to the status of the invitation.
* @link https://github.com/mogilvie/CalendarBundle/blob/master/Model/CalendarAttendee.php
* @author Mark Ogilvie <mark.ogilvie@specshaper.com>
* @ORM\Table(name="calendar_attendee")
* @ORM\Entity
class CalendarAttendee extends BaseAttendee
* The calendar that this event belongs in.
* Required by SpecShaperCalendarBundle.
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="CalendarEvent", inversedBy="calendarAttendees")
protected $calendarEvent;
// /**
// * Constructor.
// *
// * Required by SpecShaperCalendarBundle to call the parent constructor on the
// * mapped superclass.
// *
// * Modify to suit your needs.
// */
// public function __construct()
// {
// parent::__construct();
// }
// Add your own relationships and properties below here..
The entity contains any comments or messages made about an event:
- The email address of the attendee who commented.
- The message, (*25)
The entity should extend the mapped superclass. You can provide any additional
entity code as required to suit your application., (*26)
* AppBundle\Entity\CalendarComment.php
* @author Written by Mark Ogilvie <mark.ogilvie@specshaper.com>, 1 2016
namespace AppBundle\Entity;
use Doctrine\ORM\Mapping as ORM;
use AppBundle\Entity\CalendarEvent;
use SpecShaper\CalendarBundle\Model\CalendarComment as BaseComment;
* Calendar comments are messages left on the CalendarEvent.
* @link https://github.com/mogilvie/CalendarBundle/blob/master/Model/CalendarComment.php
* @author Mark Ogilvie <mark.ogilvie@specshaper.com>
* @ORM\Table(name="calendar_comment")
* @ORM\Entity
class CalendarComment extends BaseComment
* The calendar that this event belongs in.
* Required by SpecShaperCalendarBundle.
* @ORM\ManyToOne(targetEntity="CalendarEvent", inversedBy="calendarAttendees")
protected $calendarEvent;
* Constructor.
* Required by SpecShaperCalendarBundle to call the parent constructor on the
* mapped superclass.
* Modify to suit your needs.
public function __construct()
// Add your own relationships and properties below here..
Step 3: Create listeners
Create listeners in your application to intercept events fired by the bundle and
modify / interact with the events., (*27)
The event is thrown when an CalendarEvent is first loaded and whenever the user changes the view
date range., (*28)
Used to query for and decorate CalendarEvents to be displayed in the calendar., (*29)
The event is thrown when an CalendarEvent in the calendar., (*30)
Used to populate and decorate the new CalendarEvent to customise it for your application., (*31)
The event is thrown when an CalendarEvent is deleted or removed., (*32)
Used to modify or remove the CalendarEvent to customise it for your application., (*33)
The event is thrown when an CalendarEvent is updated., (*34)
Used to modify or remove the CalendarEvent to customise it for your application. For
- Send an email updating attendees.
- Change relationships., (*35)
See the documents section for more detail of the listeners available:, (*36)
The event is thrown when a the calendar is loaded. It allows the opportunity to
provide email addresses to the autocomplete attendee email input., (*37)
To configure the minimum settings you need to define the orm. Only Doctrine is
supported at the moment., (*38)
Then point the bundle at your custom Calendar entities., (*39)
See the full documentation for a full list of options., (*40)
// app/config/config.yml
# Calendar configuration
db_driver: orm
calendar_class: AppBundle\Entity\Calendar
event_class: AppBundle\Entity\CalendarEvent
attendee_class: AppBundle\Entity\CalendarAttendee
comment_class: AppBundle\Entity\CalendarComment
reoccurance_class: AppBundle\Entity\CalendarReoccurance
You will also need to enable translations if not already configured:, (*41)
// app/config/config.yml
translator: { fallbacks: ["%locale%"] }
Step 5: Define the routes
Define any routing that you prefer. The controller can be placed behind a firewall
by defining a prefix protected by your security firewalls., (*42)
// app/config/routing.yml
resource: "@SpecShaperCalendarBundle/Resources/config/routing.yml"
prefix: /
Step 6: Integrate into one of your twig templates
The bundle requires:
- Jquery
- Moment
- Bootstrap
- DatePicker
- FullCalendar, (*43)
The links to css and js files are generated by including twig templates., (*44)
A typical twig template extending a bundle base.html.twig., (*45)
{# app/Resources/views/calendar/calendar.html.twig #}
{% extends 'base.html.twig' %}
{% block stylesheets %}
{% include 'SpecShaperCalendarBundle:Calendar:styles.html.twig' %}
width: 50%;
height: 200px;
{% endblock %}
{% block body %}
{% include 'SpecShaperCalendarBundle:Calendar:calendar.html.twig' %}
{% endblock %}
{% block javascripts %}
{% include 'SpecShaperCalendarBundle:Calendar:javascript.html.twig' %}
loader: "{{ url('calendar_loader') }}",
new: "{{url('event_new')}}",
update: "{{ url('event_update', {'id' : 'PLACEHOLDER'} ) }}",
updateDateTime: "{{ url('event_updatedatetime', {'id' : 'PLACEHOLDER'} ) }}",
delete: "{{ url('event_delete', {'id' : 'PLACEHOLDER'} ) }}",
deleteSeries: "{{ url('event_deleteseries', {'id' : 'PLACEHOLDER'} ) }}",
{% endblock %}
Step 7: Customise
Use the entities to customise the persisted information and integrate the calendars with your
application entities., (*46)
Apply security via the route firewalls, or for more granular security control use the event
listeners to manage access., (*47)
Overwrite the twig modal and calendar template in your own app\Resources\SpecShaperCalendarBundle
directory to change the modal displays., (*48)
Copy and modify the fullcalendar-settings.js file to provide custom javascript functionality.
Or simply extend your twig template javascript block., (*49)