This is a bundle that allows you to simply export entities arrays using PHPExcel., (*1)
Simply place annotations on the elements of a class you want portable and the EntityPortationBundle will do the rest!
Pass it the list of entities to export and enjoy!, (*2)
For now, only basic export is available but reading CSV/Excel files and creating entities from it is planned., (*3)
Please note that this bundle is still in development and may have some bugs or weird behaviors. Do not hesitate to send your feedbacks!, (*4)
, (*5)
1 Add to composer.json, (*6)
``` shell
$composer require sostheng/entity-portation-bundle, (*7)
**2** Register the bundle in ``app/AppKernel.php``
``` php
$bundles = array(
// ...
new SosthenG\EntityPortationBundle\EntityPortationBundle(),
How to use
This bundle uses annotations to detect what it needs to export. To use annotations, you must to include these two classes :, (*8)
``` php
use SosthenG\EntityPortationBundle\Annotation\EntityPortation; // To pass custom parameters for the export
use SosthenG\EntityPortationBundle\Annotation\PortationGetter; // Required to tell which getter will be portable, (*9)
Here is an example with all the parameters filled :
``` php
* @EntityPortation(csvDelimiter=";", sheetTitle="My sheet Title", fallBackValue="N/A")
class MyClass {
private $field;
* @PortationGetter(label="RĂ´les", position="auto", visible=true, valueType="string")
public function getField()
return $this->_field;
They are all optionnal, the only required thing is to use the @PortationGetter() annotation on the getters you want to use for exports., (*10)
You've done the hardest! Now, just create an Export object, add extra parameters or change somes if you want, and get you exported file!, (*11)
``` php
* @Route("export/{format}", name="export", requirements={"format" = "PDF|Excel2007|Excel5|CSV|HTML|OpenDocument"})
public function exportAction($format) {
$entities = $this->getDoctrine()->getManager()->getRepository("Bundle:MyClass")->findAll();, (*12)
$exporter = new Export($this->get("phpexcel"), $this->get("translator"));
// You can save the export as file or get a response from now, but if you want, you can change some parameters
$prop = $exporter->getProperties(); // Returns the PhpExcel Properties object.
$prop->setAuthor("You"); // Check the PHPExcel documentation for other parameters
// etc.
// Save the file
$file = $exporter->saveAsFile($format, "web/files/myFileName"); // Extension is optionnal, it will be added if not filled
// or return it as a Response
return $exporter->getResponse($format, "myFileName");
```, (*13)
Some documentation
This bundle uses the ExcelBundle from liuggio, which is a PhpExcel integration for Symfony., (*14)
Documentation for this bundle
Not yet available. Let me finish it first :), (*15)