The SimplePageViewBundle is an easy way to include a light and simple page view counting system in your website., (*1)
It does not provide session management. All page displayed (refreshed, F5, ...) are processed., (*2)
Step 1: Download Bundle with composer
composer require "smile/simple-page-view-bundle:~0.1"
, (*3)
Step 2: Enable the Bundle
Enable the bundle in the kernel :, (*4)
``` php
public function registerBundles()
$bundles = array(
// ...
new Smile\Bundle\SimplePageViewBundle\SmileSimplePageViewBundle(),
}, (*5)
## Step 3: Enable the route
In app/config/routing.yml, load the bundle route :
resource: "@SmileSimplePageViewBundle/Controller/"
type: annotation
prefix: /, (*6)
## Step 4: Update database schema
Run the update database schema command :
`php app/console doctrine:schema:update --force`
# Utilisation:
## Twig function
Enable the collect of information in a page using the following Twig function :
``` twig
{{ smile_page_view(pageType, pageId) }}
The pageType is used to explain what the type of page you are currently in (for example if your application is a news article, you can put in type 'news' )., (*7)
pageId is the unique identifier of the current page element (for example the numerical id of your article). It is not mandatory., (*8)
In order to aggregate and compress page view data, you must run the batch php app/console smile:pageviews:aggregate
., (*9)
You can add it in a cron task (we advise to run it once each day), (*10)
This batch compress data by type, id and date in the table smile_page_view_stats
and remove the processed entries from the table smile_page_view_storage
., (*11)