9999999-dev using LFTP if rsync or git are not available
The Requires
- php >=5.3.2
- symfony/framework-bundle 2.*
by skonsoft
by Skander MABROUK
ftp deploy production sync rsync
Deploying using LFTP if rsync or git are not available
The skonsoft:deploy command helps you to deploy your sources in your web server using LFTP. By default, this command executes LFTP with your config information set under app/config/config.yml, (*1)
I had a subscription to a web host that does not allow SSH access or access git. Only FTP is allowed. The work was hard to update the site with my modifications lovales. That's why I tried something similar to rsync, but that is based on FTP. The solution was LFTP., (*2)
[Lftp] ( is a FTP client to easily command line to transfer files (eg to update your website or locally modified to make a backup on your computer)., (*3)
[Ubuntu Documentation] (, (*4)
Install LFTP:, (*5)
#(Ubuntu Users) sudo apt-get install lftp
Modify LFTP Conf file:, (*6)
sudo gedit /etc/lftp.conf, (*7)
Update these lines:, (*8)
set ftp:anon-pass "mozilla@" set ftp:client "" set http:user-agent "Mozilla/4.7 [en] (WinNT; I)" set dns:order "inet6 inet" set ssl:verify-certificate no
Installation is a quick 3 steps process:, (*9)
The preferred way to install this bundle is to rely on Composer.
Just check on Packagist the version you want to install (in the following example, we used "dev-master") and add it to your composer.json
:, (*10)
``` js { "require": { // ... "skonsoft/lftp-deployement-bundle": "dev-master" } }, (*11)
### Step 2: Enable the bundle Enable the bundle in the kernel: ``` php <?php // app/AppKernel.php public function registerBundles() { $bundles = array( // ... new Skonsoft\Bundle\SkonsoftLftpDeployementBundle(), ); }
#app/config/config.yml parameters: # ... other parameters skonsoft: lftp_deployement: prod: hostname: "" path: "/www/" #the path to mirror in server. (eg /public_html/) port: "21" #default login: "Your FTP login" exclude_file: %kernel.root_dir%/config/skonsoft_lftp_exclude.txt # Contains all ignored files. See the doc folder, you will get an example of file
to make your sync, just type in terminal this command:, (*12)
./app/console skonsoft:deploy --go
to get the list of options:, (*13)
./app/console help skonsoft:deploy
I help this helps you :), (*14)
Deploying using LFTP if rsync or git are not available
ftp deploy production sync rsync